Saturday, November 1, 2008

My Family

It has been a month and I've not talked to my son, because of my own family and Wenatchee CPS. I haven't even seen an order from the Judge. But my family refuses to let me talk to my son.

I know, absolutely, now, that my family has never been on my side in any way and has only sought to HAVE my son adopted out. My own parents tried to get me to do this from the beginning, because he wouldn't have "a father" and I said absolutely not. I love my son and we belong together. I am an excellent mother.

My family has done nothing but go along with attempts to break the bond.

I think all of them are fuckers and that they have a place in Hell, and if, for any reason, I do not get my son back because of them, when he is older and finds out what they've done, my own son will give them hell and make their lives Hell on Earth. My son is not going to be a holy-roller, even as brainwashed as they've already muddied their own sick children.

As for my own family, I've let them know they can all fuck off. I don't want, or need, anything from them.

Like I said, if it comes down to it, if I have to fake a big "conversion" to their holy-rollerness, and fake loving them and Wenatchee too, I just might. I just might even go to one of their churches and make an altar call, and I might even conjure tears and raise my holy-hell-raising hands in the air to make it look real. I know how to "walk the walk and talk the talk".

I could make the biggest mockery out of all them, and Wenatchee CPS, by putting on a show, and then taking my son and saying, in essence, "Guess what? It was an act. Now fuck yourselves" and then get the hell out.

All I need to be certain of, before I do any acting, is that everyone knows it's an act first. But the best thing is, is that no one can prove it's an act. They'll have to accept it, that I've really "changed", especially if I'm proving everyone wrong by not writing anything on a blog (but keeping all the notes on the side, because there is no fucking way I'll quit documenting what they do, because it WILL be published later).

All I have to do is fake a big conversion, give hugs and kisses, speak in tongues, raise my hands in the air, and start singing in a church, and these people will be undone.

My own family disgusts me. They have been dishonest with me from the start and I have plenty of emails to prove it.

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