Sunday, November 9, 2008

Nightmares Courtesy Of Wenatchee CPS and Judge

I'm going to write more TTSOMLs tomorrow. Too tired right now. And lately, all of my dreams have been about my son.

Wenatchee CPS cut off my conversations with him, without cause, to try to force me back to their trap, where all this crap HAPPENED, so they can be in control of everything, and any kind of "psych eval".

I've been traumatized by them and what they've done, and have had nightmares about my son, and dreams ever since they pulled this last nasty move.

I am motivated, at the right time, to bring charges against them for what they've done. In my last dream, my son kept saying to me and to everyone around him, that he wanted to be with me, with his mother.

People wonder how it is possible to cut family off, and believe me, after the pranks my own family has pulled, and the absolute lack of support and betrayals, there is no miracle, there is NOTHING that would ever, in my lifetime, cause me to want to reconnect in any way, short of fraud, if I am told I'll have to fake liking them and having a change of heart, simply to get my son.

They are going to be in for a major wake up call when my son is older and shuts them out for their contributions to what happened to him and his mother.

I am a writer, and I save emails, and correspondence, and I document nearly everything. I know my son, and there is nothing anyone will be able to do to break our bond. He will turn his back on all of those who did this to him, and to me. I have absolutely no doubt about this, and I have been having dreams about it too.

Enjoy your day while you still can, because you will not have the sunlight forever.

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