Thursday, November 20, 2008

No One Stands Up For Me Or My Son

I was going to finish the post about reforming social services and cps and then do ttsomls but i'm a little bit tired and a little bit depressed actually, although i've certaintly had some laughs writing these posts today.

depressed because cps is going nowhere and making no attempts whatsoever to do the right thing.

my main source of depression is the corruption i have to deal with, with cps, and why doesn't judge hotchkiss see what they're up to? why can't he make sense of this and recognize something just isn't right? he just went along with everything and believed them. i think he should do something to set this right.

obviously, i have no power. my only power is in writing the facts, and about my discoveries, of who is connected to whom. i still have to finish writing about all the bizarre things that happened while i was in canada. that's to come yet.

but still, 2 months of ignoring me and purposeful delay by cps in both wenatchee and washington d.c. no one can say this was in my son's best interest, and that they were respectful of my rights. i think wenatchee cps has been full of it, and i know what their agenda has been, but everyone in d.c. doesn't know me at cps, and they wouldn't have ignored me and behaved in this way unless they were getting directions from general counsel and i know the ags in both states have discussed my case.

this is just adding to damages.

not only that, it has confirmed for me there is no possible way for me to get fair treatment with services in d.c., so i will have to move again. which is not something i want to do, but i'm not going to stay in a town where they probably spent 2 months figuring out how to line things up against me. i'm just not going to go for that, and there is no way to get any objective evaluation or services in the state of washington either.

meanwhile, my own biological family has done absolutely nothing. i mean, to do nothing while 2 months pass, after i've written about all the horrible things they've done and things they've lied about, and how they had no right to take my son to begin with, my own family does NOTHING. at any time they could have provided assistance for a private attorney, and instead they go along with the state.

it's really sad. it's a very, very, sad thing and the worst part, is that i actually think they know they've permanently screwed things up in our relationship this time, and they don't care. they are so self-righteous and screwed up they think money comes first and that religion is second and goodness in general or duty to family, is last place. what is religion then? they can't even manage to abide by the commandments of religion, but claim i'm the one who needs to change.

at this point, all they care about is keeping my son from me or they are still believing the lies of cps and the state and think that my difference in values and how i present myself is something to be "treated". there is nothing wrong with me.

there are a lot of things wrong with cps and the social services, and the government i've had to deal with.

i'm told the CDs are on the way today, and the clerk asked to confirm my address, but no mention was made of my petition for a hearing to reinstate and modify visitation and for an order for discovery to be given to me that i never received. i listed specific documents i needed, for proving those doctors lied about me to cover up their malpractice, and for proving i do have physical disablities. judge hotchkiss, if he cared about the truth, would jump at the chance to have a hearing to get this information out into the open.

if judge hotchkiss cared more for my son than his buddies in wenatchee, he would be interested in having a hearing and would order this discovery to be released. instead, he ignores my requests.

who does this?! who does this unless they are corrupt. it is the same thing as denying a man a DNA test when the guy is claiming this hard evidence will prove his innocence and also prove he was framed and set up.

but it seems like this is only going one way.

not one single person is willing to do the right thing for my son. not one single person has stood up against what is going on, and vouched for me and my son or our rights.

not one.

i stood up for others, and i stood up for men and women who were abused by catholic clergy, and i've volunteered my time, money, and talent, for years, and in return, no one stands up for me and my son.

no one even gave me a chance.

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