Monday, November 3, 2008

TTSOML #159: FBI Con Artist/Agent Jerod Garth

His name came to me just a few minutes ago.

This is the name of the FBI employee I was directed to speak with, in Portland, Oregon field offices. It was Jerod Garth, and I had joked about the way his name sounded to Christa, and joked, saying, "I'll know he's not Catholic if he has a southern accent." I had been telling her it sounded like a name from the Bible Belt.

So after I talked to Christa, Jerod called me, and he had a southern accent, which I later found out, he'd FAKED.

I found out, because I called for him later and was put through, and there was either someone else in the room who would have wondered what was up if he tried his fake southern accent, or he simply forgot to use it. Because I said, with a loud and audible gasp, "You're from the East Coast!" because his accent was East Coast, and sounded like New York. He startled and said quickly, "Yeah, I told you that" or "I already told you that." He'd never told me that, because he'd been faking with a southern accent, and not once did he say he was from the East Coast.

I caught him.

What's worse, is that I caught him trying to con me after I had talked to Christa. She was very interested in knowing who was taking charge of the investigation of Bujanda and Garza. And it was only after I talked to her, that I was introduced to Jerod Garth.

Before that, I was being told to talk to the head guy, Bob.

Jerod not only lied to me, he made certain my complaint and the investigation was swept under the rug.

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