Wednesday, November 5, 2008

TTSOML #163: Wenatchee Lawyers ("Ban" from CWH)

The next thing the Davis Arneil lawyers did, probably to distract me from filing a complaint about discrimination, was to sidetrack me with a legal motion they filed with the court, to "ban" me from going to the Central Washington Hospital.

They did this, right after I told Christa I had been kicked out of Columbia Valley and that until I could afford to go out of the area for care, I was NOT getting a PCP in Wenatchee for me or my son. I told her I would just have to go to ER for migraines and that was it. She said, well they're not treating you so why are you going? I told her I was going to keep going to CWH ER to document HOW MANY TIMES they REFUSED to treat my migraines, even after they received documentation and proof from neurologists that I had migraines.

I told her, even if they didn't treat me, it would establish the frequency of my migraines and the frequency of their refusal of standard of care. And then I would make complaints and sue them.

I guess the Davis Arneil lawyers got wind of this, and thought it sounded like a pretty good idea too, because the next thing I knew, right after I told Christa this, they filed a motion to have me "banned" from going to the hospital.

I believe all of this "banning" happened after Wenatchee CPS and CWH ER doctors offered me their sweet little package of a "one-way bus ticket for you and your son to move out of the state!"--which I refused.

If I was out of state it would be harder to find a lawyer who was licensed in the state to sue the bastards for medical malpractice.

Christa and the Abbey attorneys knew I was competent, or had been at least, in a pro se capacity and that I could have a good repoire with a jury. I knew too, that my biggest obstacles were usually judges, who had more in common with the lawyers than with me, who viewed the pro se person as incompetent, whether or not this was the case. I didn't have any sway or influence over judges, and I wasn't a lawyer part of a firm that would mean so many votes for the judge's next election. But I believed I could speak to a jury and that they would figure out the truth through common sense.

When Davis Arneil and CWH filed the "injunction" or "ban" against me, in the courts, they did two things--they filed an "injunction" against me where I had formerly tried to file one to dissolve the "town-gown" status of Mt. Angel Abbey, which made their own rules to their civil means, by abusing the powers of the police they knew. In this injunction, too, they made certain I could be defamed and they would win, and that I would NOT have the right to an attorney for public defense. They claimed that, even when they were taking away a civil right, and directly defaming me, making me sound like a CRIMINAL, I didn't have the right to an attorney because they were not asking for "monetary damages".

Not only that, they made certain that not only did I not get a public defender, but that I would be refused the right to trial. I asked for trial, and the Judge in Wenatchee refused to give me this right.

My only option was to contact legal aid services in Washington state, but since Christa and her people, and the other lawyers in Wenatchee already had something to lose, they made sure I couldn't even services this way.

I called every legal aid organization in my area, in Wenatchee, and was told no one would help me. I then called outside of the area, to Seattle and elsewhere, and got the same message. Finally, I called the "CLEAR" line, and after explaining my case, I would told I absolutely had the right to a defense and should have an attorney. They put referrals out for me and no one took them.

I was forced to go through the court process, when I was medically unable to be pro se. I was in severe pain at that time, still, for untreated migraines, and from all the damages from childbirth, which included broken bones, and if it was not a vertebrae in my lower back that was displaced, it was a herniated disc. I was suffering, and not in a position to be my own defense.

Davis Arneil and Christa and her people knew this.

I had to go through the first part, on my own, and the judge was so prejudiced against me, she had to recuse herself. She only did so after I said I could make use of some of her statement and prejudicial comments, which were on the record. The very first judge I got rid of, from the outset, after I found out he was known to take sides, and was buddies with the Davis Arneil guy in front, had to step out. The next judge recused herself after making improper comments, even though she had formerly been the Judge who awarded me a restraining order against a guy in Wenatchee who attempted rape. I had nothing against her, but I had to ask for her recusal based on her own demonstration of prejudice, which she couldn't really argue against. The judge whose wife was sent out by CPS, to chase me out of town and give me and my son a "one-way bus ticket out of the state", recused HIMSELF because of "conflict of interest". So then I was stuck with the last judge, who was from out of the area in Chelan.

I had been trying to get the case removed out of Wenatchee, to King County, for reasons that I could not get a fair hearing in Wenatchee, and for prejudice, but no one would allow it.

I also began to notice every single hearing was scheduled on a day I started my migraine headaches, and because my migraines were like clockwork and the hospital had access to the pattern and their regularity, it was easy for their lawyers to find out what day I had the migraines, schedule hearings, and hope I was too incapacitated to attend. I didn't realize what they were doing until later, after I noticed I always had a migraine on the hearing day, and that it was on my period schedule. I told the Judge from Chelan about them, when I couldn't attend a hearing, and he went through without me, disregarding my claim and need for allowance.

No one listened to me when I said I was too disabled physically to represent myself. I was in constant pain from the childbirth, and I was forced to go alone.

I found out that in King County there could be a chance I would get a public defender, if I made my case, and I tried, but no one was there to help me.

So they railroaded me.

I was supposed to get a call from a Wenatchee legal aid place, after CLEAR referred me and said I should have reprentation, and the main director, a woman, was rude to me and said they'd get back to me. No one did. I was made to go to the first hearing alone. I called CLEAR again and they said this was very odd. They said I had clear need for representation. The judge also said I needed representation and I told her (it was the female judge when this came up) that I had made every effort to contact a number of groups and they refused me, and then CLEAR put me in touch with a Wenatchee group that finally said they'd help (only from coercion with CLEAR I guess) but in a very limited way. They told me I'd have to be pro se and no one would take my case, but that someone would draft one memo or legal brief for me to use.

I waited for that brief, and was about to have a major ruling against me, and then I got it. It was an ADA argument, that I was being discriminated against because Central Washington Hospital was claiming I didn't have migraines and was just "drug seeking" and mentally ill. The argument was that I had documentation for having migraines, and how was Davis Arneil or any of the doctors able to say what level of pain I was in, and claim I did NOT have severe enough pain to require painkillers. The argument also stated that if it was TRUE Central Washington Hospital believed I was mentally ill, then they were guilty of discrimination for not providing "accomodations" for this "perceived disability", whether or not it was true this was a disability.

It was a good brief, but I kept having to call CLEAR to get anything from them, and by the time I got it, it was too late.

Not only that, that was all I got, and I wasn't able to appear for all the hearings because of migraine and the refusal to accomodate for unexpected migraines on hearing dates.

So I lost and had my name defamed through an injunction to "ban" me from the hospital. They also claimed I harassed their employees, which I never did and they had cameras to prove it and security guards on site who monitor those cameras. If anything, I was driven to frustration and tears when I was repeatedly denied treatment for migraine and other things.

I wrote some email, but it was only a couple, to a hospital employee. I wrote to Dr. Jobe, who sneered that he would give me "Tylenol for your TENSION headache". I also wrote email to the lawyers, repeatedly, and I'm sure some of the emails were excessive, but it was only after I repeatedly tried to get the vaccination documentation for my son's benefit, and they ignored me. I also wanted to know who "owned" Central Washington Hospital after finding out there were priests from Yakima on the board, and that it had a Catholic affiliation and was a "private" and not public hospital. They provoked me, and allowed me to suffer, and KNEW I suffered, and then when I finally "lost it" and sent out a few angry emails, they tried to include this in their injunction as reason to "ban" me, even though I did nothing in person. I never went to the hospital, either, except to get medical records, or to go to ER for migraines, when I was being kicked out without enough time to find a new PCP, or being prevented by the state and Wenatchee social workers, from getting care in Seattle and outside of the area.

I was unduly harassed. I was harassed, harassed, harassed, and my son was also a victim of this and his medical needs left unmet.

My response to this kind of ongoing and pervasive harassment, was normal. It was not a sign of "mental illness" or "anger management problems". Given what they were doing to me, and how long they did it, my response was much better than most people's response would have been.

I did very well under the pressure. Which was why it took a massive concerted effort by several individuals, to try to do me in to their satisfaction.

I was discriminated against, because of disability, and my and my son's medical damages were covered up.

I was falsely called "drug seeking" which impugnes criminal conduct to my name and falsely ascribes addiction problems to my name, and I was falsely called "mentally ill" when they went out of their way to get any kind of reaction to use against me, hoping no one would ever find out what THEY were doing to ME.

I was then, after refusing to leave the state with my son, "banned" from 2/3 of the clinics and hospitals in Wenatchee. I was told to go to the only remaining one: Wenatchee Valley Medical Center, where nothing was any better.

All they wanted to do was find a reason to force us out and cover up what they did.

My next post will be about what happened at Wenatchee Valley Medical Center. I also need to start writing about the computer and health problems, because this was occuring at this time and needs to be in the timeline.

It was after I was "banned" from the main hospital, that Debbie Schomer and all the Wenatchee social workers, tried to prevent me from going to Seattle for medical care, and then tried to prevent me from being able to even rent from anyone in town.

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