Thursday, November 6, 2008

TTSOML #168: Last Communications With Christa

The last things I remember discussing with Christa, was how my son quit speaking (by this I mean, still tried, but was unintellible), and she was still trying to get me to mail her my "book" so she could "edit" it, and she wanted me to send her all of my undeveloped rolls of film (which I told her contained photos of her). I refused and made excuses.

The very last thing she tried to say, was that she had met me at a different time than we met. By then, I think she knew I was onto her. I had cooled my communications with her considerably. So she kept trying to say, out of the blue, how she met me at a time long before I ever met the monks of Mt. Angel Abbey. This wasn't true and I said so to her. I told her, "No. I remember the exact date I met you and your family at my church, because it was after I had met the monks of Mt. Angel Abbey, and after I'd told them I tried to be friendly and was on the look-out to welcome anyone who seemed to be "new" or a visitor to the small church. There weren't a lot of people then, and new visitors stood out. I remembered the exact time I met her and her parents, and I remembered introducing myself. She started showing up to college events with the church and retreats. I shared a tent with her at a camp outing and she called me to go out with her after that. I was still going to my church when I met the Abbey monks, and then I quit after knowing them for some time, and thinking I might convert.

I remember thinking it was conpicuous how determined she tried to be in insisting she met me before she did, and the only reason which would work to her benefit would have been to claim that she hadn't been sent by her church or the Abbey attorneys, to get close to me. She wanted to say she knew me before I met the monks, and therefore make it appear as though I hadn't been followed or set up, and she may have thought I couldn't remember or had forgotten. I remembered very clearly, and when I told her I knew the exact day and remembered it well, she got nervous.

I never spoke to her after that, and the health problems with me and my son and everything else, and computer problems, got worse. Which I'll discuss next.

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