Thursday, November 6, 2008

TTSOML #173: Computer Problem History (V)

When the radio interferrence didn't quit, I was told to call Verizon and have someone come out. The guy who came out was very odd. I definitely feel he was in on something with someone. He looked at me, smirking, and then when I asked him if they'd fix the interferrence problem, he said he'd have to talk to someone. So he gets on his phone and then comes back to me and says no, they won't fix it. Then I argued and he got on the phone, and changed his mind, but by then I was on the computer and in the middle of a cleaning program which was taking forever (dial-up). I asked him if he'd come back in just a little bit and he said no, and then he yelled at me, and just left. I couldn't believe it. It was like the guy did NOT want the problem to be fixed, period. When I called a supervisor, going not to the first but the second one, she was shocked and said something wasn't right. I asked why and she said their guy had written a horrible report about ME, as if I was violent, and he was afraid of me, and that I seemed mentally ill. I said, "What????!" and the woman agreed with me. She said, she'd been talking to me about the problem for over half an hour and I had never been rude, or sounded mentally ill, and she said what he was writing didn't add up. Then, she also said, the guy was supposed to go out there and test things first, which he didn't even do. She said it was odd, and kept asking me if I knew him personally. I told her I did not. She said she felt it was bizarre enough that she could make a report about him. But then, she wasn't able to get any further, and still, no one came out to fix the problem.

After my computer fried, I was told the only way it could really do that, would be if someone put something inside that caused a combustion. I was told possibly, the electrical source would help it along, but they'd never heard of such a thing.

I decided to get a new computer, and instead of getting a desktop, I'd always wanted a laptop. I'd told Christa I was going to get a laptop for my birthday (which had already passed) and she knew exactly what kind and which store I would get it from. I went to the store I'd told her about, and asked for the kind of laptop I had wanted and I was told they were out but if I gave them my name and number, they could get some for me or check their backstock or whatever. So I did, and when I went back, this guy brings one out. I noticed, right from the start, that it had a very prominent green marker swipe on it, when the others didn't, and he chose to give that one to me. When I got it home, I noticed a label sticker on it had my exact birthdate on it, in birthdate form: 10/22/74.

And then, I tried it out and found out it was totally infected, and had been previously used and things had been modified on it. I could tell, because the modification dates were all over the place.

It was also missing some important programs that should have come with it and the disc to reboot and restart the whole system was missing. If the computer had failed in any way, I would have had no way to try to load everything onto it fresh. It had tons of rootkits on it besides and the programs and options I needed would go on fade out when I was trying to use them. I would click on the button for privacy options to "not" network or share certain files, and it would get clicked back on, or the buttons would go to fade out where I couldn't make changes.

I took photos of rootkits, I believe, on this one, but it may have been the second one I tried. Was probably the second one.

I was told I had to return it in the exact same box if I wanted a refund. Nothing could be missing. So I returned it with everything except my birthdate sticker. I pulled it off to keep.

I had been told it was never used.

That computer had already been rigged to be used against me, and was inoperable. So I thought it was odd, but couldn't prove it was a "set up" really, so I just moved on. I bought a different laptop. One with everything sealed.

This was in November I believe, a month after my birthday had already passed.

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