Saturday, November 8, 2008

TTSOML #181: Computer Problem History (10)

I bought a desktop which didn't have wi-fi or bluetooth capabilities. The first problem I had was that it wouldn't turn on properly. It was brand new and it would start to load and then just fail.

I believe I documented this earlier in my blog. Finally, it started up. I didn't seem to have as many least I didn't notice the bluetooth and wi-fi being switched back on (because it didn't even have it), but I still had some problems.

With the bluetooth being turned on after I manually switched it off, Andy Panda said this would only be possible through extremely sophisticated technology. He said it made sense that a regular hacker could turn it on and off in the internal programs, but not if I'd switched it to "off" on the button. I would switch it to one side, and it would turn on. Then I'd switch it to the other side, and it would turn on. Whether I switched it to off or on, it would do the reverse. He said this would require powerful "waves".

So I had the desktop, and right from the start I had problems with it. However, it was nowhere near as obvious as what happened with the other laptops with bluetooth and wi-fi. But I didn't go online with the desktop at all, at first, and I still had the fade out on programs and boxes I should have been able to click and it was like someone was sharing my computer still.

I told Panda, and he said the people who were hacking my computers were not inexperienced, novice, hackers. He said whoever was doing this would have to have access to higher technology. He asked me who my enemies were.

He basically said it was impossible for someone to get onto a desktop with no wi-fi or bluetooth, UNLESS they were doing it by sending out a pulse and getting on. He said the only way THIS could be done would be through extremely high levels of "waves", radio or micro. He said they would have to be strong enough that it WOULD definitely cause health problems.

Right before things got even worse, I was talking with him about letting him be on my computer in a shared capacity. He was agreeable to finding a way for us to share the computer so he could also see and monitor what was happening. I trusted him.

But then, the health problems got severe and the "hits" or whatever that I've described, began happening in conjunction with the constant exposure and pain and achiness.

Everything hurt, even my teeth. I felt severe pain down my spine and in my pelvic region and my son would clutch his genitals and scream and cry. I found out that different kinds of waves and wavelengths, target human bodies in different ways. There are also "horizontal" and "vertical" aspects of waves, and they affect the body differently because of the human body's differing levels of density. The body is made up of water, muscle, bone, and nerves, and each of these things respond to waves in a different way. I also found out different parts of the skeletal frame are affected in different ways, because of variation in bone density. The spine and pelvis, in particular, are targeted by certain types of waves.

I did the research because I wondered why it was specific parts of the body that hurt so badly and I wanted to know if there was a correlation between the kind of waves Panda was talking about, and our symptoms. And there was.

I don't expect people with CPS to grasp any of this, but if they did some reading , or conferred with people who know about this sort of thing, in military circles or otherwise, even more educated medical professionals, they would know this to be true.

Trying to explain anything to Wenatchee CPS was like trying to wring a heart out of a rat, and not get bit at the same time.

But the research is available even online, for anyone who seriously pursues this with an interest. I will probably publish a few of the medical and military articles I found which support this conclusion, down the road.

At this time, too, it seemed other people in Wenatchee WERE aware of the effects of waves on the skeletal system, because I remember calling someone with the Wenatchee PUD--Public Utilities Department(I think I've mistakenly called them PGE in the past) and this one guy scowled and said I should be thankful it was happening, because it was good for healing bone fractures. He went on to say radiation was used to fuse bones (fractures) together. Which is actually TRUE, but I could not believe he said this. I hadn't said anything to him about my medical issues. I was only talking to him about the possibilities of radiation or magnetic fields overexposure.

It got so bad, that at one point, I could not sit upright. I was in so much pain, I could hardly type at the computer, but I forced myself to do it, even though I was in excruciating pain. I was in more pain than I've ever been in, in my entire life, and it was not imaginary, and I've since talked to several high level PhDs in psychology who have affirmed pain is very rarely an imagined phenomenon. It was real.

The narcotics did almost nothing to help and I couldn't figure out why. They had been effective before, when I was experiencing pain that was commensurate with my broken bones and injuries, but this was just totally different. Nothing helped. I wondered if the doctors were even giving me narcotics or if it was actually something else, because it did NOT work. Not for the kind of pain I was in, and my son was also affected, and ended up sleeping a lot more, when he wasn't twitching from the muscle fasciculations. I believe the reason he couldn't speak intelligably was because his brain wave patterns were disrupted. It was either that, which is a side effect of such wave exposure, because it screws with the charges in the brain, or he could have been having problems with his cysts which were never followed up on, or it was from some kind of hemorrhage or something from damage from childbirth. I didn't know, but I knew he needed evaluation.

I was so ill, it was difficult to keep up with housework at all, and I couldn't take the garbage out to the dump or to be burned, so I bagged it up, and put it outside of the house, out in the back, to be taken out later, when there was less snow and I was feeling better.

I tried going downstairs with my son, and it didn't help or change things. I tried going outside and it didn't seem to help, although the only time I had the "hits" which happened later, it was when I was at the computer, in the house, oh, except for a couple of exceptions which I'll describe.

Some of the pain could have been residual because I noticed even when I left the area with my son, he and I were still sick. One week after we left, and were staying with some people, we both came down with severe bronchitis. For my son, his wheezing was so bad it was more like whooping cough, and then for both of us, it turned to bronchitis and we had to be treated. I later found out that for patients who are overexposured to radiation of some kind, bronchitis can follow, because first the system in the body is heated in a certain way, and kept at a certain level, and then when it stops, bronchitis can develop. We almost had to take my son to ER because his case was so severe. Both my son and I had extremely low energy levels at the time too.

But I'm getting ahead of myself.

After I got the desktop, this was when, I believe, the "hits" began, which were different from the extremely severe pain, fatigue, and other problems. Everyone was affected, from me, to my son, to our cat, which wasn't itself either. It always happened at the house, when I was trying to write on the computer or after I'd just got off.

I remember it always happened when I was near the computer and the desk, whereas the other symptoms were problematic anywhere in the house.

It was a very quick "hit" and I say this, because I don't know how else to describe it, or jolt, and it was like being immediately stunned by something very powerful. What would immediately happen is that I saw black, became dizzy, and the skin around my forehead became very tight like something had just expanded in my head. Sort of like a visor. I immediately had to use the bathroom, and yet I was too dizzy to walk straight and would have to hunch over and find my way to the bathroom after steadying myself. I immediately had horrible diarrhea. I didn't have diarrhea at other times, it was only after I had these zaps or whatever. There was a full-spectrum physiological response. I couldn't tell that it ever happened to my son. I never noticed it happen to him, except I thought maybe once or twice he'd been affected and I changed his diaper and he had diarrhea all over. I remember one time in particular, when he was near the computer and he acted like something had just got to him. Even the cat, which sounds strange, would act crazy sometimes, and then go to the litterbox, and have massive diarrhea happen. But I cannot speak for anyone other than myself about this. I was able to actually FEEL my own son's muscle fasciculations, so I KNEW this was also happening to him, but I couldn't feel or tell whether he ever was exposed to the zaps or stuns or whatever.

When THIS began to happen, I had to call ER. I was picked up by ambulance, and my normally very low blood pressure was exceedingly high and heart palpitations were also noted. The one guy who seemed scared by all of this, who seemed to believe something was NOT right, was Jeffrey. Or Jeff. I don't know what he went by. But I could tell he believed something was very wrong. He was also the one to note the heart palpitations.

That was another things. My heart felt irregular after it happened. I went to ER because I wanted diagnostics to prove something was affecting my actual body, and it wasn't imagined, but they refused diagnostics. I was also in a lot of pain after it happened. What I noticed though, is that almost all symptoms went away after about 45 minutes.

I was still sick, and tired, but the dizziness, palpitations, and pain were generally gone within 45 minutes to an hour. I remember one of the doctors ridiculing me about this, saying, why was I "fine" after being at the hospital for awhile. I had the symptoms and then they went away and I agreed to being discharged.

After one of the zaps, when Jeff was present, I couldn't even speak. My son seemed to be fine. He didn't seem affected at all and was in a good mood when I tried to talk to him and responded to being given a teddy bear. But I could barely speak, and this was when Jeff noted my blood pressure was even higher before, heartrate faster, and that I had palpitations. That time, the ambulance had arrived more quickly after it happened, so they caught more of the immediate aftereffect.

I don't know of one mental "illness" that procures instantanous diarrhea after trying to write on a blog on the computer. I also don't know of any mental "illness" which causes all of the other symptoms as well, in addition to abnormal blood findings. And then once when I went in, my potassium was so dangerously low they had to keep me there and give me a mega-dose of potassium. Nothing in my diet had changed. There was no reason for my body or system to be suddenly depleted of potassium.

I found out later, by doing some research, that exposure to magnetic or radio waves or people with chemo can have this happen. Very low potassium, which is also true of those targeted by certain kinds of weapons in warfare.

The only thing that matched what happened to me with the zaps was what I started reading online about some of the more powerful stun guns and Denial of Action weapons. Even officers who submitted voluntarily to being guinea pigs, or military people who volunteered, experienced the very same symptoms I was describing, including loss of bowel moments or need to defecate and all the dizziness and head confusion and disorientation. From what I read, it literally scrambles normal brainwaves and signals. It is almost impossible to think clearly, which is why it's used in warfare or to disable people from whatever undesirable activity they engaged in.

I guess my "undesirable activity" was free speech. Some people didn't want others to know what had happened to me and what I was going to eventually be writing about. So, better to disable me, and torture me and my son, and hope I stopped. If not, at least they could be sure to make me sound crazy. And because I hadn't been able to get out most of the details of things that were being done to me, it did sound nuts. Because no one would imagine there was anyone out there with motive and resources, to do this to me and my son.

But I knew what the truth was.

I wasn't going to plead guilty for something I was falsely accused of doing, despite the threats I would end up in jail, and I wasn't going to pretend what was happening to me and my son wasn't happening, despite the threats I would be locked up in an institution.

I determined to speak the truth. I knew what the truth was, and even if it took longer for other people to figure it out, I was not going to lie and hide what was happening.

In the long run, I believed, it would work to my advantage. I hoped, in the long run, these people who were doing this, would be caught, or one of them would give in and confess. And all my reported symptoms were going to line up perfectly, just like any evidence I had which I knew I had, could exonnerate me and prove my innocence if I had to go to trial because I refused a dirty offer of plea bargain.

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