Sunday, November 9, 2008

TTSOML 183: Two Abnormal Blood Tests

I'm trying to find the medical documentation I discovered awhile back which shows the symptoms of the kinds of shocks I was receiving were identical, including diarrhea, disorientation, and other things.

When I had the shocks, the symptoms were almost gone or resolved within an hour, and this was also commensurate with the time span it takes for many electroshock or Active Denial weapons' effects to dissipate.

I didn't have uncontrolled jerking and visible twitching when it happened though. I think it was a little bit different. All the other symptoms were produced however.

I also read that one thing these kinds of weapons do is deplete the body of blood sugar by converting it to lactic acid (which later causes muscle fasciculations).

I had one blood test which showed abnormally low potassium, for which I stayed at the hospital and was treated, and then another blood test which the doctor said was "normal" but on the lab results it showed "abnormal" for alkaline phosphate and glucose.

If this depletes blood sugar, it could explain why the glucose was low. From what I read, the combination of both low alkaline phosphate and glucose is almost unheard of except in chemo patients, where this a common finding after chemo treatment.

Whatever was being used against me and my son, while it might not be the exact form of radiation, could have a correlation in how the body responds. It's all electrical or radiating in nature, and has similar effects on the body.

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