Sunday, November 9, 2008

TTSOML #187: Other Times For Shock

In my house, it was only when I was near or just getting off the computer, that these shocks occured. I never experienced it at any other part of the house or outside the house on the property.

Aside from THAT, I did experience MUCH milder shocks which my son seemed to also notice, because he would jump and cry out in his carseat, and then be quiet for awhile after like he wasn't feeling well.

It happened only ONE time, in a car on the way to a mechanic to pick up my car. I called my grandfather and he drove over to pick me and my son up to take us and I noticed something like it happen, but it was much milder. I wondered if someone could use something from another car and point it in a particular direction. I did not notice it affected my grandfather or my son at all.

The other times it happened, it was when I was leaving the U.S. for Canada, on the way over or after I crossed into Canada, it happened and I noticed it also affected my son at the exact same time. My son had a visible and audible reaction and I had not made a sound at the time it happened, but he did.

Other than that, it happened at this house we stayed at once in Canada, and my son and I were in one room and a bunch of girls were in the other room. When it happened, it was in the middle of the night and all of the girls next door woke up and cried out in their sleep and then I heard them talking to eachother. It also affected me and my son, who woke up, in the next room but it was milder. I don't think the other women would know what it was, from one time, just like I didn't know what exactly was causing all of my son's and my health problems for the longest time. But I noticed all of us woke at the same time, and I felt mild pain from it.

This neighborhood was the same one which I noticed the guy laughing at me, from a large white van, as he slowed down when I was driven back to the house to pick up things, in a police car.

So it wasn't like I left the U.S. and I psychologically told myself I was "safe" and it quit happening.

Also, I think there was one time it happened just to my son but not to me, in a grocery store in Canada. My son had wandered a short distance away and was looking at some things and I had him in my sight when he suddenly cried out and stopped, like he was hurt, and then he started to cry. I noticed a man looking at us and smiling, and while of course people smile at you all the time, and in grocery stores too, I had a feeling about it, that something had just been directed to my son. My son's reaction was like he'd been suddenly injured--it wasn't a temper tantrum.

Also, after a long time of this exposure, at our house in the orchard, my son was in pain, about a week before we left, or a little more. I took him to my grandparents and my grandfather saw him writhing in pain. His tummy was obviously really, really, hurting him.

He was arching his back and it wasn't a temper tantrum. My grandmother said it was a temper tantrum, but after it went on so long and my grandfather observed, he said no, and agreed something was really wrong, that he was in some kind of pain.

I know that I, personally, had very severe abdominal pain which was only getting worse. It was like the inside was being burned up, and it hurt badly. I believed my son was experiencing the same thing and it was clearly something to do with his abdomen.

There was no new diet and no lactose intolerance. What my son seemed to be expressing, was exactly what I also felt.

Not only that, he tried so hard to speak, and he couldn't. It was all garbled gibberish and then he would become frustrated. He had been speaking 3 word sentences before all of this happened, and I had a recorded list of his regular vocabularly.

In Canada, there was a car following us, but I wasn't followed by anyone, that I noticed when I was first leaving to the border, on the state-side. I ended up following a car with a South Wales sticker, and after that car spoke to the woman at the gate, we then were next and really had no problem getting in. I'll get this part.

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