Sunday, November 9, 2008

TTSOML #190: Further Detail About Covert Taping

I forgot to make a couple of things clear regarding the tampering of my telecommunications.

One thing I forgot to mention was that once when I called for Verizon customer service, I was routed to some woman who simply harassed me. I was shocked at how involved she got in it, and I kept asking her why she was doing this, and going off on me, and kept asking her to look up my account. Then I realized, she didn't even have ACCESS to my account. She wasn't looking it up because she couldn't get into it. I said what kind of customer service for Verizon doesn't have access to my account and she hesitated and then claimed she was in corporate offices. I said, "Am I even speaking to someone from Verizon?" and she hung up. I had not called corporate offices. I had dialed the same number everyone dials, and yet I was routed to this woman who was not even a part of customer service.

Then I kept getting corporate or some kind of service in California, where everyone was rude until I said I was going to file a report with the telephone communications reporting agency, and this man suddenly jumped on the phone and acted like a normal human being.

The other thing I wanted to add, was more detail about how I kept being transferred ot "after-hours" answering machines for Molina. Because this "after-hours" thing kept happening with the HMO, and even the Wenatchee courthouse, before I even tried to call, I was recording. I played light music in the background, so it could not be argued that my taped recording was edited. If the music continued to play without interruption, inbetween pauses, answering machines and breaks, it showed I was continously rolling the tape.

As expected, the same thing happened. I got answering machine after machine, and I let it continue for about 20 minutes. I said, as if just mumbling to myself non-chalantly, "What? Now I'm going to have to call _________" and I'd dial the number for an office which should be open and noted the time out loud, and then waited to get the "our offices are closed, open from 8 a.m.-5 p.m. or whatever" and then moved on to call another office. I can't remember if I maybe called a local business at some point and asked them what time they had, PST, just so they'd say it out loud and I'd have confirmation from another source. Then I'd call Molina again and get the same thing. So after 20 minutes or more, of "closed" messages when they should have ALL been open, I called a California office and finally said out loud, that it was a good thing I was RECORDING all this. Or that I was going to START Recording, I can't remember how I put it, and I probably named the kind (make and brand) of recorder I was using. All of a SUDDEN, I was immediately transfered to an office which picked up my call, finally. It wasn't the office for the number I had dialed--it was Molina's headquarters in California. I asked how I got headquarters.

And I got all of that on tape. I asked the guy, "So what time do you have?" and he told me and sounded nervous and I said that was very interesting, because all of their offices seemed to be closed.

Then I called the offices, a few, after speaking with him, that I had already called previously which were "closed" and they said that was very strange, because they'd been receiving calls from other people and had been open.

So for some reason, I was the only one who wasn't getting through and getting after-hours machines.

Now, I have PROOF of this.

SO, WHO would be able to do something like this? And why? and isn't it possible that if people were messing with me to that extent, tampering with my telecommunications, they would also use other means to go after me? Especially if they knew I had dirt on them?

I'm suddenly not so nuts, am I? When I'm able to back it up with technology that is indisputable.

Which is why I refused to go to the Washington D.C. CPS offices without a tape recorder on me. I cannot be too sure of what will happen next because some people are still reeaaaallly counting on screwing around with the custody of my son and my ability to have fair and impartial evaluations and, possibly, appeal everything that was done which was WRONG.

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