Tuesday, November 11, 2008

TTSOML #196: More Medical Prejudice In Wenatchee/Chelan

So, moving on to what happened after all the computer and electronics problems...What happened with the medical doctors in the area is next. I had the blood test done which was abnormally low in glucose and alkaline phosphate. When I read this combo is most often noted in chemo patients, I wondered if it was any kind of evidence of exposure to external factors. I knew my son had not been well, and my grandparents had witnessed him writhing in pain for hours upon hours, and yet no doctor would do anything, well, no matter what. But I felt if I could get a blood sample from my son, given the way I AND my grandparents concurred something was wrong, if it showed HE also had the SAME abnormalities, it could show it was both of us and therefore could be caused by something external or environmental.

So I was told to go to Chelan clinic. I was told to go to Chelan clinic, because after I was forced to go to the Wenatchee Valley clinic and some of the people there were trying to cause problems, we were then "kicked out" of that clinic. This was right after I tried to take my son in to be evaluated and treated for tinea versicolor, which I'd been recently diagnosed with. After I was diagnosed, and read up about it, I realized that was probably what my son's discoloration and spots were from as well. So I tried to take him in and that's when they wouldn't even get skin cells on a slide which would show anything, one way or not. There was no alternative explanation for what my son had either. It was simply a matter of,when I said I believed my son and I got it after Dr. Butler refused to treat systemic yeast, the doctors wanted to say my son didn't have it.

That was after I told them I'd read it was rare for infants and children to get it unless they were immunosuppressed, which was likely the case when my son had systemic yeast.

After they claimed my son did not have it, and I saw how they tried to disprove or disclaim this, I was aghast. These doctors, throughout Wenatchee, would never be or do any good for my SON or me.

I got upset and I was angry and tried to make a report to Dr. Freed, and it went to the Board of his hospital and we were kicked out. Dr. Freed's lovely assistant, a man, also barked at me that THEY KNEW not everything was so wonderful with the medical stuff in Oregon. I looked at him. I thought to myself, "Huh. How would he claim to know, unless they spoke to or discussed me, without my consent, to certain doctors in Oregon? Another proof of violation of HIPPA."

So we were then pushed to go to Chelan. I knew it would just be bad news all over again. All the doctors in Chelan were in with doctors in Wenatchee. I had already tried calling over there to see if they'd evaluate me for being "drug-seeking" and they had the largest facility for this and they said no. No one was interested in looking at the evidence and evaluating me. They all wanted me to SAY I DID have a problem with drugs, when I didn't. I was willing to be evaluated, and I also made the exact same offer to Wenatchee CPS and social services and THEY also turned me down.

They said they didn't have funds for such "evaluations" but only for "treatment" for those who admitted they "had a problem."

These people didn't care about the truth. They just wanted a verdict that made them look right.

So I knew Chelan would be more of the same, and it was. I checked in, and at first, a blood sample was ordered from my son. Then it got very, very, weird.

I was ordered to hold my son on my lap while the blood taker (I forget what they're called) took out a needle. She wrapped my son's arm in rubber and then stabbed him with the needle, more than once, and just as she was actually drawing blood, she pulled it out. I got angry and asked her what she was doing to my son, who was by then traumatized with her actions. She claimed she was nervous and had never drawn blood on a child or toddler before. I asked the Dr. for a referral to Chelan hospital, telling him maybe there was someone THERE who had more experience and I didn't want my son to have to go through what had just happened. They offered to try again, and I said no, I'd rather go to someone with experience. So the Dr. gave me the referral.

I went to Chelan hospital and it was even more bizarre.

(I'll continue this later. I have some things to do and have to go until tomorrow.)

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