Saturday, November 15, 2008

TTSOML #200: Olympia CPS Says Leaving Country Is Legal

I called up Olympia CPS from a phone that had caller ID blocked. I said I wanted to remain annonymous, but that I had a question because of a friend. I asked if it was legal to leave the state, or leave the country, if there was a CPS complaint pending.

I told them there had been 4 prior complaints and all had been dismissed as "unfounded". I said a new one had come up, by the same group, basically, and that this friend was thinking of leaving the area because of harassment.

So I asked, "Is it legal, or will they get in trouble if they leave the state or country?"

The answer was "NO."

The woman from Washington headquarters asked if there was a "protective order" on the child. I asked what that was and she said it had to be ordered through a judge. She said it was legal for anyone to leave the country after a complaint had been made, or while investigation was pending, as LONG as there was NO "protective order".

There was no Protective Order on my son. I was free to leave and I was getting the hell OUT.

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