Wednesday, November 26, 2008

TTSOML #232: My First Job In Birch Bay

I was looking for work, but not immediately, because I was trying to secure legal support first, which was most important. I was asking for help to get my car back from Canada, and for a private attorney. If this had happened, I would have come out ahead.

After things fell through, the woman I stayed with wondered what I was doing. And I had to get a job, at least PT. I knew I couldn't have one where I was sitting because my back and tailbone still bothered me. But I could take a standing job PT I thought. I needed surgeries for my injuries, but until I got the diagnostics, I was trying to work.

Also, it got a little bit weird with the mother and son because the son had a thing for me but I wouldn't get involved with him physically and he was offended. So then the mother was offended I'd hurt her son or whatever. And I was living with both of them. So it got awkward.

Supposedly too, later, I had mail going there which CPS claims they sent, but this is somewhat doubtful as I don't know why she wouldn't tell me about my mail or let me know. They always let me know if I was getting mail, and even when I was in D.C., she sent me an e-mail telling me there was a box for me. So, it's not very credible when CPS claims they WERE sending discovery to this address, which is the ONLY address I gave them to send mail to, until I left for D.C.

Prior to the Contested Sheltercare hearing, and Fact Finding, I did not get even one piece of discovery from the state. I told the Judge this, too, in the hearing.

Anyway, I was there for some time, but I kept to myself in that I didn't share much about the legal matters.

I got a PT job down the road, because it was simply close, doing housecleaning, and then I started having problems with the management. Not my supervisor, Tamara, who oversaw my work and knew I did a good job, but with higher management, and when I looked at the Board of Directors, I found one of them was a Michael from Wenatchee and I don't know whether he had anything to do with it. At any rate, my supervisor thought something was a little off or strange, because she began getting pressure about me, right about the time I let Wenatchee know where I worked. Until they knew, I had no problems.

Tamara left before I did and she was Canadian and her husband American, and I told her I'd give her a good reference, as an employee, if she needed one. She was actually glad to hear it, and said she'd do the same for me. I didn't know Tamara at all before I worked for her, and she was the only on-site supervisor who saw me on a day-to-day basis. She was professional and she did her job well.

So I stayed there, even though I was still figuring out the migraine stuff (I went off of pot and tried Migranol, which didn't work and I had to leave work because of the pain) and I did have some physical problems doing the work. The more hours I got, the more my body was breaking down. I did the work, but I had back pain from it. Not really tailbone pain, but definitely back pain.

I had been calling CPS non-stop since I was in the Blaine/Birch Bay area, to visit my son, and they stalled and delayed, which prevented me from seeing him for one month.

My son was not doing well, and they kept him from seeing the one person who could have comforted him.

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