Thursday, November 27, 2008

TTSOML #238: Moving Around In Birch Bay

After I was at the one woman's place, as I said, things got a little sketchy after it was clear her son and I were not going to be an item.

It was a little strange, because she was encouraging him to screw around basically, and was the kind of mom who would cheer him on if he'd been with me too. I think she thought since I was "older", I was experienced too, which was NOT the case. He was 22 or 24 years old and I think she thought he could gain some good experience with me. I think she thought we might be doing something, but we weren't at all. I actually slept in the same bed with him, and we didn't even touch, hold hands, much less kiss or anything else, for over 2 weeks. Then I kissed him once and didn't want to go any further and it was more of a problem after that. After that, they bought me some sleeping pills. Hahaha.

Anyway, nothing happened with us, and then all of a sudden, when I started writing some thing about the Catholic church (not knowing they were Catholic and not even recognizing the black and red painting of Jesus Crucified hanging on this guys wall--I had thought it was a red wolf howling at the moon, next to a tree, but it wasn't--it was supposed to be Jesus crying out in anguish, against a blood red moon backdrop.), my computer priviledges were cancelled. They said it didn't work anymore. So, I brought in a new computer from out in the hallway and hooked it up and said everything was working fine again!

Not too excited...they were NOT.

So then it became clear I had to go elsewhere. The very same day I was told I couldn't use the computer anymore, I walked out to the next-door neighbors. I had just discovered, the day before, that one of the nearest neighbors was a guy I had met at the Mexican bar in Blaine. He had seemed pretty nice, and although there were problems at the end, and his friends were fanatic, I don't think he is or was, and that he just had a lot going on and certain friends (who were Catholic, as it turned out, even though they claimed the hanging Virgin Mary from their rearview mirror meant nothing, and that their Catholic medallions meant nothing) who tried to paint me badly.

Anyway, I had sat down, and not expecting to ask him for ANYTHING in the future, had just talked with him about how crazy it was getting with this other woman I stayed with. He understood, because there was an ongoing rivalry between his house and their house. I noticed he had a computer but didn't give it a second thought, because I still thought I could use the one at this woman's house.

So I had just run into him and chatted, and then he had mentioned if things got too bad "over there", I could stay in one of the rooms at his place, for some time. I didn't think I would be taking him up on his offer so soon. But right after I was "banned" from this woman's computer, I walked across the grass, to his house and started blogging away, with this guy's permission. What was hilarious, is that I had a view of the windows to the other woman's place, from his, and she and her son were looking out the window at me like, "WHAT THE HELL?!!!"

I guess they didn't expect me to get a computer hook-up so soon.

So then I was staying with this guy, who was a single dad and he had three kids. I had decided I could do babysitting and some housework, though I told him I'd probably do more with the kids than anything.

I'd already heard about the kids and they were known to be crazy-wild, but I thought I might be able to help out. It worked and sort of didn't work. I think good things came out of it for everyone, when all is said and done, and this guy, the dad, well...maybe he initially thought something could develop between us, but I was clear from the start and didn't want to mislead him. He was respectful, and never once tried a thing, in the maybe month I was there.

Actually, it is quite commendable, how many men I stayed with, who didn't pressure me to do anything. The only problem was that although I didn't get pressure directly, it was sort of like, "Okay, time's up" and the guy needed to move on or have his place free for his gallavanting with other women, so then it was pressure to move out. Still, I can say positive things about a lot of these guys.

Basically, things were fine with this guy until he got a girlfriend (which was still fine at first because I got along well with the woman) and got serious with her and was thinking he wanted to ask her to move in. The other problem, the main one, was his friends, who, when they found out about my blog, being Catholic, started things but tried to conceal their Catholicism at the same time (I guess worried I'd write about them, or just hoping I wouldn't make the connection).

Anyway, I got along with the Dad, and the Dad's ex, and his new girlfriend too, for about a month until the other friends started in. And, I guess, the girlfriend became more attached and wondered if something was going on between me and the Dad (because she only came over on weekends). There never was, and I was never interested.

I took an interest in his kids, because I felt they were really bright, one in particular, but just had some issues because of family drama and a little, well, lack of supervision. They rode 4-wheelers all over the place, and when I tried taking them on bike rides, at first they were good, and then they were going way out ahead to where it was dangerous, and wouldn't obey, so I wouldn't take them altogether again after that. I took them out one-by-one after that. I took them to the beach several times, to the candy store, for bike rides, and I played with them at a nearby playground and supervised.

I have to say though, in the short span that I was there, these kids accomplished quite a lot. They set a huge trash bin on fire (the 4 year old), started the car (the 4 year old), and all of them threw giant rocks at other houses, and picked or jumped on all the neighbors flowers. This was when the Dad was home and I was letting him supervise or be in charge. I don't know, but the neighbors threatened to call police about 10 times if "YOU DON"T CONTROL YOUR CHILDREN!!!!!"

As for me, while I was surprised to later hear they even "loved" me, they pulled pranks on me too, including hiding all my make-up, and filling my foundation bottle with some kind of chemical or cleaner that made my face burn and peel and THEN trying to give me a glass of "juice" which I had already seen them add cleaner to. I didn't let them know I saw this, I just said, "Oh! How nice! Thank you, but I'm okay for now. I appreciate the thought though, that was very kind of you."

What was crazy to me, was that these wild, wild, kids who even tormented the neighborhood cats, were "safe" with their Dad (mabye it was because he'd grown up in the town and he knew the police there) but my son had been taken from me and I was an excellent mother who supervised every move my son made.

It was crazy. CRAZY. And I had several people tell me how crazy I'd been to even live there that long. These kids didn't just throw rocks at houses, but people too. The neighbors could NoT believe I was lasting there.

Usually, it worked, but some of the time, it didn't.

The Dad didn't drink at all, and had a small bottle of Tequila he said I could help myself too, and did I EVER.

Ohmigosh, I almost forgot to mention the language of these kids. I think I picked up all my foul language from THEM. Hhaahaaa.

I have never heard such foul language, from such young children, in all my life. The 4 year old would say thing like, "You fuckface! I'm going to put my dick in you, you shithead." then the girls would talk about sexual things and curse just as much, but when it was coming from the 4 year old, it was most shocking. "FUCKING FAGGot, I'm GOINg To KILL YOU SHITHEAD. I'll FUCK YOU IN THE ASS!!!!!"

He's a flaxen blond, blue-eyed, and has rosy pink cheeks, stands 4 feet tall, and he just took off on the 4-wheeler, Officer...i think the cat was with him.

Would I report to CPS? Never. I wouldn't report anything to CPS in my entire life, unless I saw physical scars or physical abuse. In that case, I would. I did see the Dad spank or swat his kids a couple times, but the thing is, CPS doesn't even care about that. They had no problem with the idea of my aunt and uncle spanking my 2 year old son. These are old-fashioned, 1950s marms.

I would never allow CPS to destroy a family the way they did mine, unless the children were clearly unhappy, unfed, and/or abused, or I heard they were, and it seemed to be true, by some kind of evidence. Misbehavior and lack of supervision even, I would not report to them.

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