Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Uploading Audio Files: Conversation With D.C. CPS

I'm uploading the recorded conversation I had with Washington D.C. CPS today. This is what I am doing next. Then I'm finishing my complaints to get them filed.

All I have to do is prove I tried to get services and I was ignored and lied to. I can also prove I asked for discovery multiple times and was ignored.

I am told they mailed the CDs of the hearings I was pushed out of, but I haven't received them. I'm going to upload these next.


I'm ready to upload, but don't know how to do it right so I'm going to go to a computer place to do it with help--I could have a tech help me here, but while I'm uploading, I don't want to have a bunch of problems, so I'm waiting.

I also went to the post office after writing this last post, to see if the CDs from the courthouse had arrived and they weren't there. I asked Douglas County not to mail them unless they were to be signed for, because of mailing issues, and the post office guy said if they were to be signed for, it should end up at the post office, where I put a hold on all of my mail. So basically, anything and everything that's mailed to me will be HELD at the post office, and that's where I'll pick it up. I'm surprised they haven't arrived yet though. I'll keep checking and then will upload the files.

Since I have this computer to work with--an actual resource tool again, I'm going to finish up the ttsoml posts in the next day or two, and then finish from the outlines I've handwritten, for complaints and reports.

Since CPS will try to claim I didn't engage in services, when I was the one trying to do it over 2 months ago, and Wenatchee CPS refused to return my phone calls, and D.C. CPS never called me either, I will probably have to file something in the courthouse. I can write other complaints, but that won't stop the rest of this from continuing, unless I can get evidence filed in another courthouse, for New Trial (in what should be a totally different state), appeal, or, if seems implausible, I'll have to just file for injunction on the CPS process, pending adjudication of a civil rights and Section 1983 claim against the state.

In the meantime, while I'm figuring this stuff out, Wenatchee can begin to answer some HIPPA, ADA, human rights, and Bar complaints.

During which space I'll be collecting my medical documentation proving withholding of discovery crucial to my case, and getting further diagnostics which prove my injuries.

I won't be sitting around.

Although tonight, I'm celebrating my decision to stop taking the abuse and crap from Wenatchee, by going to a movie...of all things, "The Dark Knight". A nice little corruption story I'll probably be able to understand very well.

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