Monday, November 10, 2008

What I Want In Another Country

Well, if that wasn't an "open letter", or publication, I don't know what is. I have already asked for assistance from countless organizations over the years, and as pathetic as it is written up, I thought about taking it down and then decided, no, this is my form of an open publication.

In a paternity case, if the father isn't named, to remove responsibility of guardianship, and in order to give him an opportunity to come forward, sometimes an "open notice" is published. This is supposed to give that person an opportunity to get involved.

I figure, if I've made my open letter and open notice, for assistance, after also writing the facts of everything that's happened, to have no one come forward and my government ignore a citizen whose other members deliberately harassed and abused so long, is evidence that this is not a "safe" country, nor should it be on any "white list".

At least it's something other international and domestic human rights groups can make note of.

And I went to a college recently, thinking about applying. I went to the registrar's office, and although I had tears in my eyes at the idea of finishing my degree and moving onto something else, I realized I had no enthusiasm.

I felt fake, walking in there, and asking about furthering my education. I didn't WANT to, here. I think to myself, I should at least my papers and then leave, and take what I can, but this situation has been bad enough, that I don't want to stay here any longer than necessary.

I would like to go to law school, but it's almost distressing to even think about it, when I know how corrupt the system is and has been. Why would I stay here and go to law school, only to be railroaded as a lawyer and watch people try to keep me down in the system as a professional?

I do not believe it is possible for me to have a normal life here. I do not believe it is possible for my children to have normal lives, any that I might have. If no one will correct what has been done, and when this is just allowed to continued to roll right over me, with disregard for my rights and the rights of my son, how is it possible to have any hope.

I don't want a piece of paper from the U.S. I don't care if some other people come from all over the world to get a U.S. education. I don't want it.

I would rather attach my name and any work I do after, to another country that is better to me. I have never asked for special treatment or privileges, but I expect to be treated like a citizen, and I have been hounded and harassed, falsely jailed, cited, and assaulted, and put under surveillance and DEFAMED, by multiple areas of this government.

If it is only limited to the "bad apples" then where the hell are the good people, or good apples, who are inside these institutions and what are THEY doing about this?

I had a Department of Energy guy following me around, but no one came to me and asked questions.

I've had zero follow-up from the FBI, and several of their members were directly involved in making my life a living hell, if they were not also directly involved in using technology they had, against me and my son, to harm us.

I attempted to report several people in law enforcement, and I was ignored.

I don't have anything to give this country, after all of that. I am not going to "move on" when I have been terrorized, by people in my own government, as others stood by and did NOTHING.

As Judges do whatever they damn well please, with NO fear of recrimination, and even after I try to report to the FBI, I was told, (regarding Warren), "He's retiring anyway."

I don't have the heart or stomach to go to college here anymore. I don't want to work here either, but I do simply because I'm stuck here until I get my son back. Education seems different somehow. What do I NEED of an "american education" when I've already learned what I need to know? That this country is upside-down, that it is full of morally bankrupt cowards, that the rich finish first even when they are evil, that the system is completely corrupt? That it's okay to mix church-and-state to ones advantage, as long as one is not Muslim...That the class system is well at work, even as America boasts proudly to Great Britain that we do not have one. That we are not a country which respects and defends the same civil rights which were so proudly written and expounded upon decades ago. That the "honor system" is a thing of the past and that this country is full of decrepit cheaters.

No, I've learned all I want to learn.

For me to sit in a classroom and listen to bullshit, after living through what I've lived through, would be hypocrisy. I cannot lie to myself, that anything is going to change, when I see ZERO evidence of change for me, personally.

If there is a way to be accepted into another country, given the fact I've not completed my degree, but with the understanding I WOULD like to further my education elsewhere, I want to know where it is and how it may be done.

All I ask, is that any country allows me to be me. I'm not going to convert to any religion, and I'm not going to be a piece of propoganda. All I want is to live a normal life, be able to acheive the things I know I can do without deliberate attempts to keep me down and even TORTURE me and and my family, safety, and a place where my free speech is not going to be punished.

In return, I would work hard, and write a lot, and help others.

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