Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Who Would Break In And Steal Workshirts

This is who I think did it:

1. Someone who knows where I work,
2. Someone who knows what the shirts look like for my workplace,
3. Someone who was able to access the secured apartment building without detection,
4. Someone who was pissed off and wanted to "teach me a lesson", for, probably, something I wrote about.
5. Someone who probably knew my work schedule and when, and how long, I would be away.

There are 3 possibilities:

1. A coworker who is angry (which I am somewhat less inclined to believe),
2. Someone who was angry I published the credit card numbers and identification of the female harassers who came into my work and harassed me just 2 days prior to the theft, on Friday,
3. Someone angry I was publishing information about what happened in Wenatchee,
4. Someone who is tied into all the above, or more than one of the above.

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