Saturday, November 15, 2008

Workshirts Still Missing

I have talked more with my roommate, and I know he didn't take the shirts. He would have zero reason to do so and we get along fine. Not only that, we've never had anything romantic going on, that went sour or anything, to cause resentment in any way. We haven't kissed, haven't held hands--zero interest and only platonic roommates and he's always been respectful. At first I wondered, because he's the only one with a key, so I think, but someone else could have a key, or know how to jimmy a lock. It's not impossible.

Even though two of my shirts were returned, I am still missing the other two, which have not "reappeared".

It's not my roommate. I know now for sure.

So if it's not my roommate, someone did break in. The other thing I noted, was how the lids were off of my food jars and things were shuffled around. Why would my roommate do that? I don't think he did it.

And, as for the peeing on the toilet seat, I don't know what his problem is, but even after I wrote a note asking him to lift the lid, he does it, so he's not trying to be passive-aggressive about it, he's just lazy. At least that's what I think.

I tend to think someone else came in. And it was either someone I know, or someone I don't know, but who knows me or thinks they know "about" me.

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