Thursday, December 25, 2008

2nd Request for Accomodation for Disability (March 31, 2008)

As the emails prove, when I was first taking a bus, it was for visitation that was over a 3 day period, giving me time to recover from the travel on arrival to go back home. It began aggravating my injuries. At first it didn't bother, but then CPS switched to back to back travel with less than 24 hours in between 4 hour bus trips. This started causing severe physical problems, and first, I simply asked CPS to move my visitation to allow for more time to recoup in between travel. CPS refused, so I began making a more earnest request for change of venue, this time to accomodate my physical injuries and disabilities. Not only were the trips closer together now, the buses were filling up and I couldn't sit to the side or lie down. CPS ignored my request, even though it was legitimate:

Tailbone & Trips‏
From: cam huegenot (
Sent: Mon 3/31/08 9:41 PM
To: (


I may need to see if we can do 2 nights in Wenatchee because of my tailbone.

I'm having severe pain issues riding that far and having little time inbetween trips. It doesn't matter whether I'm on a bus or in the car. I'd rather not, bc of work, but I need to check into some things and get back to you about it.

My tailbone is not simply fractured. It is completely broken off at an unstable position. This happened at childbirth, when they forced the delivery. I also have a fractured pelvis. As for the tailbone, it cannot heal because it's totally out of allignment. I'd probably have to have it removed, but this is specialized and not even done in Washington (there are few doctors who do coccyectomy in the U.S.).

I cannot sit further forward and adjust on the bus or in a car. In a car there are seatbelts keeping you in position, and on the bus the seats are too close together. I try sitting to the side but there's not enough room.

I've tried donuts and they don't help that much. I bounce around a lot on the medical donut I have too, and it's somewhere in storage.

I consider this to be my main disability other than migraine.

I may need accomodation so I don't have to make this trip back to back, but I also prefer not to spend more time in Wenatchee and have work, so I'll check on it.

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