Thursday, December 25, 2008

3rd Request to Mother for Emails about Oliver (April 11, 2008)

I was pleading for help. My own family ignored me, after they backed out on their promises and changed conditions. They wanted me to lose my son, and didn't care if what was happening was wrong and dishonest by the state. They wanted Holly to have my son. That was my punishment. And they didn't care that I was falsely accused of being a risk to my son and causing his speech problems, when I never had a chance:

Need Your Cooperation‏
From: cam huegenot (
Sent: Fri 4/11/08 7:52 AM


I hope you realize that by refusing to help Oliver, or cooperate in a willingness to give me documents that help Oliver and my case, you put yourself in a position to be attacked openly and publicly for not having anyone's best interests in mind but your own.

I have documentation of not just your "love letter" but extensive email which includes what we agreed to verbally and how you went back on it and then later made excuses for it. Your excuses are evidence which show your willingness to change a story so it makes you look better, a willingness to distort the facts.

I would not want to bring these things into court, but as you have already made yourself a party to the allegations against me, and worked with CPS rather than expend any financial support towards your grandson and daughter, I will have to show the court what our relationship has been through the years, which would include what it was before my "auto accident" and in that case, I could bring Robin Bechtold and Monica Allen and Geoff Rasmussen out to tell the court I had problems with you even then and that our relationship issues have been consistent.

I could also ask others to testify to other things, which I'd rather not do.

You already gave CPS ammunition against me. If you want to side with your sister who is your best friend, I will have to bring out things the public won't understand, such as your confession that you believed the source of my pain issues was "evil spirits" and said one of your conditions to financial support would be the "laying on of hands" in California no less.

If you choose not to give even the most basic things which could help me and my son in this case, in the event I do get a PD, I will ask him to go after you for the discovery you refuse to provide, and to discredit your family and their own suspicions.

I sincerely hope your hatred of me and jealousy over the years, that Dad paid more attention to me than you sometimes, will not be a factor here.


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