Monday, December 1, 2008

ADA Complaint In Its Entiretly

Here is a copy of my complaint to the ADA, in its entirety:

ADA Complaint for Cameo Garrett (mother) and Oliver Garrett (son, age 2)

Brief History and Background--
I am a single mother who has been discriminated against and had my life fall apart, after I became in litigation with a particular party which was the first to claim, to defend themselves from lawsuits, that I was “mentally ill”. I wasn’t, but after what they did to me, I did have anxiety, severe distress, and some depression, and I know I still have PTSD in a mild form, because of the continued harassment and the levels to which they took things.

They involved police they knew, who went to their church and who they were friends with, and in Mt. Angel, (Oregon), they asked their friends to put me under investigation. My life hasn’t been the same since. They lied about me to police and their police friends lied about me to other police. They got their lawyers involved, who slandered me to people in town, and then asked a reporter to lie about me and slander me in a newspaper publication, which has affected me and my reputation ever since as it portrays me as mentally unbalanced and falsely accuses me of committing crimes of misdemeanor.

As a result of their efforts, which began after I was first issued threats to “be quiet”, and not to talk, and told, “You wouldn’t want your good name dragged through the mud, would you?” and that I would be getting myself into “danger dire”, my name began to circulate and because of the defamation, I was harassed and profiled by police, assaulted by two FBI employees who covered it up and who the FBI covered for by defaming me further, and I was no longer to get normal medical care or treatment by law enforcement. No one took me seriously, because of the perception or belief that I was mentally ill. They told everyone I was mentally ill and drug seeking when I was not, and then discriminated against me in severe ways, and used this claim to cover for further illegal acts and harassment against me.

Then I became a mother, and they went after my son, trying to take him from me. I had reported some people in high positions in government and law enforcement, not to mention the original parties who fought against me in the courts, unhappily, and with extreme hostility, for over two years. I was to be punished, and I knew they would go after my son and I began getting warnings from police, intelligence, and military, to “move”. I did move. I moved from Oregon to Washington state, after the FBI assault, but all the same things followed me and actually got worse. My car was still constantly vandalized, when no one else’s car was vandalized in the area, my residence was broken into a number of times (once with only a thick stack of my medical records disappearing), and I was harassed in person, and gossiped about.

This made it impossible for me to complete college. I quit college after I had to move to Washington, to see if it made a difference. My GPA is 3.6 and that is despite everything I was fighting, including making a lawsuit against those who first slandered me, having a PT job, and taking between 16-20 college credits of upper level classes at any given time. My major was English Literature with a minor in environmental science and I had only half of a school year to go to get my degree, but was forced to quit, for a number of reasons, but one being that I could no longer live safely in Oregon. When I moved to Washington, it wasn’t an improvement. People who were enemies knew where I was moving to, about 6 months ahead of time, and law enforcement knew as well.

I suffered from further harassment, car vandalisms, mail theft, and mistreatment by medical professionals in the Wenatchee area after I moved there, as an outsider to a very small, and more importantly, small-minded town.

A number of illegal things happened to me, including having my car towed and searched (when I was commuting from WA to OR to try to finish up classes) for suspended license when DMV confirmed it was an illegal suspension, and I was falsely arrested for a misdemeanor I didn’t commit as well, for which I had ample evidence to prove I didn’t do it, and having no witness to counter me besides. Certain people wanted to railroad me. I was pushing through with complaints against the FBI and trying to get FOIA and also tried to press charges for the assault, but I was harassed, and ignored.

I could hardly keep a job because as soon as someone read this defamatory article about me, they didn’t want to associate with me. Because of corruption in Oregon, and lack of money, I had been unable to fight this in court and had no way to prove it was defamation, through the sanctions of others by the justice system.

Over and over I was harassed. People knew I wasn’t mentally ill, but when they did something wrong, they were quick to claim I was, and then in the same turn, would discriminate against me and encourage others to do so.

I was discriminated against by medical professionals when I got to Wenatchee, who didn’t know me or my medical history (which was clean) and they claimed my disability of migraines was not true and that I was only drug-seeking. I had evidence I had migraines, but they didn’t listen, and even after I gave them documentation, they wanted to be right. Then they started claiming, and writing me up, as mentally ill, even though there was no basis in fact. They attributed comments, even, to me, that I never made, and started building a record against me which made me sound nuts. This combination of “mental illness” and “drug-seeking” diagnosis (which no mental health professional was ever involved with in making) led to the removal of my son from my care, AFTER I and my son were severely injured in a traumatic childbirth the medical people in town tried to cover up. As soon as they discovered I was going to Seattle and looking for a private law firm, for medical malpractice, they began making false allegations to CPS, and they already knew people in CPS.

CPS and social services in Wenatchee defamed me and discriminated against me as well, and then, with no grounds for taking my son, they put out a protective order on my son AFTER we left the country, which I did, not out of impulse, but after careful research for almost a year, and after realizing no one was going to help us. Not only that, my son and I were being subjected to something which was actual, and not imagined, and which directly affected our health, and I had several people make suggestions as to what the source was, and as my computer, phone, and electronics were hacked and not working properly, I was told by an experienced computer tech that he believed our severe health issues were coming from whatever group was doing the hacking. He said, because of the level at which this was occurring, it could only be done by someone with access to sophisticated and expensive technology, and said it would be, most likely, someone in intelligence, the military, or higher-end law enforcement.

I had angered some people in intelligence who had military connections as well, and I later discovered several connections to some of these individuals with people who had first begun to lie about me and claim I was mentally ill.

I have done research and talked to very experienced and educated scientists and military since I left the area with my son, and I am told it is very possible and that our symptoms matched what they believed the source to be.

However, whoever was doing this, used the claims that I was mentally ill as their cover, and no one listened to me and it was not just me, but my son who was affected. While I cannot yet prove who was doing this, I CAN prove severe discrimination against me and my son for our disabilities and the refusal of others to self-correct. Many illegal things have been done, which I’ve tried to recount in this complaint. As everything snowballed and I’m uncertain as to which started where, it would be easier to prove things with discovery at hand, but I’ve been refused discovery as well.

The discrimination has been against me for my physical disabilities and lack of accommodation, and also for the perceived notion of others that I am mentally disabled. If they did and do, in fact, believe this, their discrimination and violations of the ADA are even more egregious. My son has suffered as a result of this and he has a speech disability which Wenatchee refuses to acknowledge. I was prevented from getting diagnostics for myself and for my son, which would enable people who really care about my son, who are not worried about a childbirth medical malpractice suit, or their friends being sued, to help my son.

My disabilities, which are physical, have been used against me in a number of ways, and with the state and state employees behind much of the discrimination. I do believe I am also a PTSD sufferer, to a mild degree, but when I look at what I’ve been through, it is all reasonable that it is a form of anxiety and bereavement which can be directly attributed to actual things that have happened, and I believe, if my name is one day cleared, the harassment and grounds for it will lose hold and I believe I am not resigned to PTSD forever. The problem is that I’ve constantly been harassed and provoked, and not had time to see people held accountable, my name cleared, and freed to be at peace with my son with me. However, instead of admitting my damages are largely due to actions of others, I have people trying to claim I’m WAY off-kilter, and they wish to assign me with the best diagnosis that could be used to discredit me and anything I ever say. This is their only way to defend themselves against my reports and complaints, and it’s worked for them so far. It has to stop.

My son is traumatized because of what this has snowballed into, and I am traumatized as well. We are unable to get anywhere, with anyone, in any kind of legal process, because of the discrimination and powers which are behind this massive cover up attempt. I have made a lot of enemies, and I am now appealing to you for help. I am absolutely certain that if discovery is obtained, and persons with authority can help me, I am going to be cleared of every defamatory claim, and I believe my son will be returned to me without delay. But because certain people know this is true, they refuse to turn over discovery. My argument can easily be that it is partly because they are relying on an assumption that I’m mentally ill, that they choose not to respect my basic rights and the rights of my son. I believe they should be held accountable for cover up and for discrimination of disabilities.

I’m at a roadblock as I have most recently tried, for 2 months, to get somewhere in a legal process regarding the dependency of my son and I’ve been flagrantly ignored, for TWO MONTHS, by people working in government jobs, in both Washington state and Washington D.C. I was also refused the preliminaries of basic justice, right to reasonable counsel, and then was hung up on by a Judge after he told me I had to be pro se, and the hearing went on without me. I never received discovery prior to any hearing either, and I lost on account of that as well. As well as discovering the state had withheld crucial evidence from the court, which proves I have physical disabilities and that my claims are not the result of “delusion”.

I am most concerned about my son and his disability and the fact that the clock is ticking. If my son is to receive any compensation for his damages, I have to be the legal guardian, and file with a private firm on his behalf. There is a firm I've talked to, which is interested in his case, but they can't do anything until he is back in my care, and Wenatchee and CPS have stalled and continue to delay as the statute of limitations clock is ticking. Also, my son is only 2 years old and needs better help with his speech problems, at a time when the speech development is being processed. The first 3 years are most critical, and I cannot do anything for him or get him to proper care while he is held, on illegal grounds, by the state.

Below is my complaint. I hope you can help me and my son. Thank you for your time.
I will include a copy of my complaint against the public defenders who were recently involved as this may help to shed light on how bad the discrimination has been, but these are separate complaints and will be attached only for your reference and understanding of the most recent events.

Justice System Discrimination in Violation of Americans With Disabilities Act

Wenatchee, WA Judges and Court (2005-present)--

1. Refused to give accommodations for migraine
2. Refused to accommodate for herniated disc and tailbone
3. Mocked my claims of physical disabilities
4. Claimed I was mentally ill and refused counsel at the same time.
5. Refused to respect right to fire counsel
6. Refused to allow for time to gather medical records in my favor.
7. Refused to allow me full and fair hearing
8. Ignored my requests for answers in correspondence
9. Didn’t enforce discovery rules and make sure I had discovery prior to my case

By law enforcement and FBI (2004-present)--

1. I believe I may have been slandered by personnel within the FBI after I made a report of sexual harassment and assault by 2 of their employees (not rape), in 2004. The facts fit charges, which, if convicted, would require the men to register as sex offenders.

The FBI in Portland, Oregon (where I first lived before moving to Wenatchee, WA) told police not to press charges and that they were handling it as an “internal” matter. After this, I was profiled and harassed by police to no end, for things I hadn’t done. I moved to Washington state and the same things happened. No police, in Oregon, or Washington state, would take any of my reports seriously, even though they were legitimate, and the FBI refused to release their records on me so I could find out how I’d been slandered. I had a lawyer, who was formerly an FBI attorney, on the East Coast, tell me to obtain this and my federal database criminal file and then my son and I began to suffer from unexplained external problems which affected our health and which coincided with severe computer hacking and electrical problems in the house, which a computer tech confirmed was not normal and which blood labs proved abnormalities to health as well, which aligned with the kind of injuries or damages the computer tech believed possible, from either military, intelligence, or higher-end law enforcement technology (the tech’s name is Andy Panda).

It is possible that some of the discrimination in how I was and have been treated by police following the FBI complaint, is the result of a slanderous or unfounded entry made against me in a database accessible only to law enforcement. The FBI, to date, has not responded to my multiple requests for FOIA (sent many times by mail and by email), and stalled for almost a year on answering me about how to obtain federal database records. Not only that, when I finally got a letter from the FBI, acknowledging all my attempts to FOIA, it was only to tell me to direct all requests to their headquarters in Washington D.C. and then D.C. was telling me to direct it to the actual field office. I was given the run-around and it is possible I was discriminated against because of a false assumption (nevertheless, the perception) that I was mentally ill. Afterwards, I was repeatedly followed by police, pulled over for things I didn’t do, and I was told, by one officer: “Your name is known by police from Oregon state to Washington state.” Why would it be known when I’m not a criminal? My reports of assault were not taken, and when I tried to report police for not taking reports or submitting DNA to state labs for analysis, I was ignored. All on account of, I believe, slander that I was mentally ill and then the excuse that they could discriminate against me and ignore me and let people off because of it. My attempt to report the FBI guys to police in Portland, Oregon was also brushed under the rug. I was told by a Sgt. In charge, to actually change the facts of my claim and when I told him I’d write my own statement of facts and I wasn’t changing the facts to suit him, he went ahead and wrote his OWN statement, against my wishes, and submitted this, refused to give me a copy of what he’d written when I asked, and then had the matter dropped by the Prosecuting Attorney, whose offices also ignored me when I tried to obtain records and requested a copy of their file by email.

Discrimination by Washington state and state employees (2005-present)

1. Mocked by state employees in language, in teleconferences and by email, regarding disabilities,
2. State claimed not to know where medical records were, or of not having them and said “I don’t remember” when I asked if they’d seen them. They obtained records against HIPPA and then withheld the ones which proved I had disabilities
3. State deliberately withheld information from me on when bus was leaving and where I was staying, knowing it caused distress, and lied about not having paperwork done, purposefully attempting to provoke me
4. State deliberately stalled on providing services when I specifically requested they begin in the D.C. area, for 2 months, and they communicated with other states but refused to return my calls--ignoring me
5. State cut off my right to telephone visitation with my son, in order to coerce me back to the area where they knew I couldn’t get medical care
6. State used general counsel against me, telling me I couldn’t fill out a release of information to get the process started.
7. State made false claims and defamed me to others including Canada, telling them I was paranoid schitzophrenic and severely so, when they had no basis for the accusation and they knew the two mental health professionals who evaluated me prior to my departure did not think such a thing,
8. State directed Canadian officials to a defamatory article published about me, which wasn’t true and which wasn’t evidence of any kind.
9. State tried to cut off my right to medical care and slandered me to the HMOs,
10 . State owes me $1,000 for refusing to reimburse me for medical transportation costs they promised to pay for out-of-area care, which they knew put me in a position of being unable to pay my rent, and at the same time, told me I would lose all benefits if I did NOT go to these appointments.
11. State tried to prevent me from making a S.S. claim for physical disability, trying instead to force me to go on SS for “mental reasons”. They tried to prevent me from getting a medical evaluation for physical disability,
12. State lied in Fair Hearing claiming no one thought I was mentally ill, saying I didn’t need extra time for making a response pro se, and then reversing when in danger of discrimination claim, because I had evidence they DID think and know I had some PTSD, and then they claimed they all knew and that they’d always provided accommodations. They directly contradicted themselves, proving they didn’t care whether I was mentally ill or not, they only wanted to claim whichever one was most convenient for them and let them off the hook.
13. State lied to police and put out an alert, slandering me as being mentally ill,
14. After claiming I was mentally ill, state refused to allow accommodations and more time for someone who was told, on the spot, to be pro se. State also refused to disclose all discovery so I was could prepare for hearings
15. State tried to force me back to Wenatchee for mental health evaluation by someone they knew, by cutting off the visitation of my son and refusing change of venue hen I was unable to travel. They then attempted to prejudice psychological evaluation by mental health professional in Whatcom county, by asking her to review an enormous “packet” of crap they had collected to make me appear nuts, BEFORE she even interviewed me. She told them this was unethical.
16. State tried to prevent me from being able to rent from anyone in Wenatchee, after I refused their “One-way-bus-ticket-out-of-the-state” which was an idea concocted by joint efforts between CPS and medical professionals I was planning to sue for medical malpractice.
17. State did not offer any services prior to removing my son from my care, as required by law, that they exhaust all remedies before taking the extreme step of forcing a traumatic separation,
18. State told me I could legally leave the country while under investigation as long as there was no protective order and then lied about me to separate my son from me when we left,
19. State delayed on giving me their records after I signed a release of information at least 6 months to 1 year before I left for Canada, knowing I would obtain evidence of prejudice as I had tried to report social workers for discrimination and the complaints were brought to a halt at the Olympia level.
20. State Fair Hearings judge slandered me in a written opinion, claiming I believed all Catholics were out to get me and that I was “paranoid” about all catholics, which wasn’t true and was something I never said though he ascribed this to me. He also refused to hold other state employees accountable for perjury when he knew the evidence as right there on tape.
21. State employee, social worker, slandered me to CPS after I said I was reporting her for trying to kick me and my son off of benefits and lying about medical transportation reimbursement. She turned around, in response, and ran to CPS to cover herself,
22. State did not inform me that my social worker was best friends with my counselor, or, my social worker and counselor didn’t inform me of their connection, even though they both asked me questions about what I thought about, one about the other.
23. State refused to investigate for false accusations made to CPS and when I requested release of information and signed form, withheld the information from me. They dismissed all complaints as “unfounded” and then later added them all back in, as if every one of them was viable and true, even though they knew I had evidence to prove false accusations had been made,
24. State claimed I was drug seeking but refused to do UA’s when I requested, prior to my departure to Canada, and also refused to allow me to be evaluated for whether I was drug seeking or not or had valid pain issues because of injuries caused by medical malpractice

25. State has refused to keep me informed about my son’s health and where they are taking him for medical care and what they’re doing with him, despite my repeated requests that they let me me know what is going on. They did this before they got Contested Sheltercare and afterwards. I have been left in the dark and isolated from my son altogether. I did find out that at the first, they were going to have him see a doctor employed by the same hospital which knows I plan to sue for damages: CWH and I protested. Afterwards, they kept me in the dark.

Discrimination By Wenatchee Medical Professionals (2004-present)

1. Almost immediately upon arrival, the hospital and their employees at CWH, slandered me in their chart notes, claiming I didn’t have migraines but was “drug seeking” when they had NOTHING upon which to base this claim. I asked them to correct this and they refused and then they violated HIPPA and faxed these slanderous chart notes all over Wenatchee, to clinics I wasn’t even being seen at.

2. After I gave CWH documentation from 2 different neurologists that proved I had migraines, they still tried to claim they were tension headaches and refused to treat me. They still stubbornly refused to correct their slander of me as being drug-seeking.

3. After I told some people I was going to keep going to the ER just to establish the regularity of my migraines and how many times I was refused standard of care, for lawsuit purposes, CWH filed a legal injunction against me in Wenatchee, trying to “ban” me, claiming I was mentally ill and that I was drug seeking. Despite a memorandum from a legal aid attorney, claiming their injunction was discrimination against disability and that there was no way the hospital could claim I DIDN’T have migraines or pain, I was refused counsel, refused accommodation for migraine by the Judge presiding over that case, and also refused change of venue to King County, despite evidence I could not get a fair hearing in that town. I was also denied to right to jury trial.

4. CWH was subsequently stripped of their position as a top critical care hospital and the state ruled there was a pattern of incompetence regarding ability to treat or understand neurological injuries, which included migraines. Citing lack of experienced neurologists on staff at CWH, CWH was dropped down in status as a first level hospital and it was ordered all head injuries or ER emergencies of a more critical nature be redirected to Spokane or Seattle. I reminded CWH ER staff of this fact, and wrote about it online on my blog and they tried to make more CPS complaints against me.

5. A false (or fraudulent) lab came back testing me positive for THC, a marijuana compound, after I’d already threatened to sue CWH for defamation and finally faxed them evidence which showed I was diagnosed with migraine and so, in fact, I had concrete evidence they had slandered me. I was not notified of these results, and did not even discover them until 3 months later when I requested copies of my medical records and found this. It is illegal to withhold such a finding from a patient, and no one from either CWH or from Columbia Valley Community Health, told me about this. As a result, I was not given the opportunity to prove it was wrong by retesting or testing somewhere else at another lab, or having other factors ruled out which could create a false positive. CWH then used this false lab report as a type of “evidence” to clear them from my accusations of defamation that I was drug-seeking, because now they could claim they had proof I was “lying” and that they were right. To this day, however, I have hair samples from my long hair, from before going to Canada and trying pot for the first time, and these hair samples would prove I never tried pot. I also asked to have my hair analysis done, by Dr. Butler and Dr. Butler claimed it didn’t matter and he wasn’t going to order it because it was “no big deal”. It WAS a big deal, and Butler later even tried to claim I was drug seeking for morphine and narcotics, even though he was trying to push them on me and I was refusing them, especially in pregnancy. I was discriminated against for a dual diagnosis of “mental illness and drug seeking”, both of which were untrue and had no basis in fact.

6. CWH purposefully withheld treatment which would have alleviated severe pain, and provoked me, by harassing me and mocking me in person, by yelling at me, by rolling their eyes about me to other hospital employees, by pointing out a slanderous newspaper article written about me, and by gossiping about me. When I burst into upset and finally sent one or two (at the most) emails, out of distress after Dr. Jobe yelled at me and sneered he’d “give you TYLENOL for your tension headaches”, CWH pounced and filed for the injunction, even though they were the ones at fault.

7. Doctors at CWH and Columbia Valley and Wenatchee Medical discriminated against me by writing assumptions that I was mentally ill, claiming I’d said things I never said, such as that I’d been “raped by the FBI”, and not once did they have a professional opinion from a licensed psychologist (who was objective and not biased with a motive to work for another party they received an income from) or psychiatrist. Instead, all the evidence and reports from mental health professionals were to the contrary, that I was not mentally ill as they claimed. This discrimination served as a cover for the injuries I and my son sustained in childbirth, and as a result, I could not even get a basic X-ray to confirm a displaced and broken tailbone from anyone in that town. They also ignored me when I reported my son’s speech had gone from being articulate and highly developed, into gibberish within one week’s time. The discrimination prevented me, as a mother, from getting proper evaluations and diagnostics of my son, something Canada was willing to do and believed was necessary, but which Washington state tried to dismiss and cover up.

8. Dr. Butler and the Columbia Valley Community Health clinic refused to release copies of my signed releases for my son’s vaccinations at 2 months of age. I have repeatedly requested these, by letter, by email, by phone, and through other clinics, and to date, they have been refused. Butler knew my son was extremely sick after these vaccinations and he didn’t want me to report the effects to VAERS (vaccination adverse effects reporting system) and withheld information from me which he knew I planned to enter into a federal system, which could have prevented other children from having the same reaction.

9. Several things which affected my son were ignored by Wenatchee medical professionals. They ignored my report that my son had developed some kind of speech disability and refused to do any kind of diagnostics on his behalf, at a crucial time in his life and early development when the basics of speech are obtained. My son is still, to date, not speaking the way he was at one year of age. He is behind and the state has taken him out of my care, which was vigilant, and in his best interests, and tried to claim there was nothing wrong, and that then there was something wrong, and now there’s nothing wrong again. They make whatever claim suits their purposes and my son is not getting the care he needs, the diagnostics he needs, or the kind of speech therapy and alternative forms of speech that he needs. The longer he is in their care, the less time there is for me to work with him and get him to competent doctors who have another opinion and who want to help. Also, the state has deliberately stalled and delayed in every aspect of this process, which only allows the clock for statute of limitations to keep rolling, and without me as his legal guardian, I am unable to file a lawsuit for his damages within the statutes, on his behalf, when there is a law firm that specializes in brain injuries and other damages and wishes to take his case and help him.

There is already documentation that my son’s birth injuries will require some specialized care in the future, and who will pay for it, if the people responsible for these injuries and damages, are not sued? They know they are guilty and that my son and I have a claim which would cost them a lot and this is their main motive for trying to defame me and keep my son from me.

My son is disabled and is being discriminated against, by not just the state and state employees, but by medical professionals covering for themselves. My son had a head injury at birth which resulted in bleeding in the brain, and a scab over his head for over 3 months. He also had high bilirubin, at abnormal levels, at 3 months of age, and this is documented with a lab report. He also has had 2 independent pediatricians confirm my son’s teeth deformities, called “enamel dysphasia” are the likely result of severe pressure and trauma at birth. They both say there is no other cause for this, at his age, and say he will need special dental work in the future.

10. The traumatic childbirth could have been avoided if the doctors and medical professionals at CWH had not discriminated against me, telling me the pain was in my head and that I wasn’t thinking about “what you’re pushing for” and claiming to others at the hospital that I had a mental block and not actually a narrow pelvis which I’d told them other OBGYNs had said would not permit a natural vaginal birth. They discriminated against me by refusing to bring in emergent care for a C-section, on the basis that I was mentally ill and didn’t know my own body.

I beg you, on behalf of the interests of me and my son, and the greater interests of the disabled community at large, that you will intervene and hold those who have violated your laws accountable for what they’ve done. We need your help and I’ve exhausted all other remedies. I especially beg you to intervene on behalf of my son although I’m uncertain as to the scope of your powers.

Thank you for your time and attention to these matters.


Cameo L. Garrett

(please see discovery list which follows below)


Because I have been ignored so often, and with regularity, when I’ve made requests for discovery for ANYTHING, I am happy to sign releases to your offices to obtain the necessary documents or evidence you may require. Your offices will have better success obtaining discovery, than a woman perceived, and slandered as being “mentally ill”, never mind the discrimination for my and my son’s physical disabilities.

Below is a list of discovery I’ve been unable to obtain, despite repeated requests, which will prove my claims:

I. Medical Records for Cameo Garrett (mother) AND Oliver Garrett (2 year old son)
A. Central Washington Hospital--Wenatchee, WA
All records including, but not limited to: all labs and other radiology films and nurses notes and internal memos.
B. Columbia Valley Community Health--Wenatchee, WA
All records including, but not limited to: all labs, copies of the original signed vaccination consent forms I signed, which have vaccine batch #s on them, lab for bilirubin of son 3 months after birth, copies of all CT and other radiology films, nurses notes and internal memos.
C. Wenatchee Valley Medical Center--Wenatchee, WA (all branches)
All records including, but not limited to: all labs and other radiology films (Xrays, CT, MRI, everything), radiologist reports, and nurses notes and internal memos.
D. University of Washington--Seattle, WA
All records including, but not limited to: copies of radiology films (X-ray), radiologist report for X-ray, labs, nurses notes and internal memos. Any records regarding my son and comments regarding dental.
E. Son’s Pediatric Dentist (don’t know name offhand)--Wenatchee, WA
All records and comments.
F. Son’s Medical Records Since His Removal From Me (don’t know the names of those who have been involved in his care, despite my requests to be kept informed)

I. Records From FBI, Justice System, & Law Enforcement in Portland, Oregon
FOIA of all records about me or my person, and any investigations concerning me, including, but not limited to, all files and records regarding my report about FBI employees Raul Bujanda and Armando Garza, and any and all internal or external communications with other law or government agencies in Oregon, Washington, or any other state within the United States or any part of Canada, from the following agencies:
A. FBI--Portland, OR
B. Portland Police--Portland, OR
C. Oregon State Police--OR
D. Mt. Angel Police--Mt. Angel, OR
E. Prosecuting Attorney’s Office--Portland, OR

I. Records From FBI, Justice System, and Law Enforcement in Washington State
FOIA of all records regarding my name and/or person, and any investigations concerning me, including but not limited to internal or external communications with other law enforcement or government agencies in Oregon, Washington, or any other state within the U.S. or any part of Canada, from the following agencies:
A. FBI--Seattle, Spokane, and Everett, WA
B. Wenatchee Police--Wenatchee, WA
C. Chelan-Douglas County Police--Wenatchee, WA,
D. Washington State Police--Washington
E. Attorney General of Washington State (including Wenatchee offices)--WA
F. Fair Hearings Office (copies of audio from hearings)--WA
G. Douglas County Courthouse--East Wenatchee, WA (copies of audio from hearings and court file)
H. Douglas County Public Defender’s Office--East Wenatchee, WA (copy of file)
I. Wenatchee District Court and D.A.’s Office--Wenatchee, WA

I. Records From FBI Headquarters, Washington, D.C.
A. FOIA of all records regarding my name and/or person, and any investigations concerning me, including but not limited to internal or external communications with other law enforcement or government agencies in Oregon, Washington, or any other state within the U.S. or any part of Canada.
B. Any and all information about me or my person, or my son and his name or person, entered into a state, federal, or international criminal, or information-based, database.

I. Records From Washington State Department Of Social and Health Services
(for Cameo Garrett, mother, and Oliver Garrett, son)
FOIA of all records regarding my name and/or person, and my son’s name and person, and any investigations concerning me or my son, including but not limited to any internal or external communications with other law enforcement and/or government agencies, and medical and/or mental health professionals, in Oregon, Washington, Washington D.C., or any other state within the U.S. or any part of Canada.

I. Records From Child Protective Services--Wenatchee, WA, and
Child Protective Services/Child and Family Services--Washington D.C.
(for Cameo Garrett, mother, and Oliver Garrett, son)
FOIA of all records regarding my name and/or person, and my son’s name and person, and any investigations concerning me or my son, including but not limited to any internal or external communications with other law enforcement and/or government agencies, and medical and/or mental health professionals, in Oregon, Washington, Washington D.C., or any other state within the U.S. or any part of Canada.


  1. Cameo -

    I stumbled across your blog a few weeks ago and have been reading it ever since. I don't know how to say this any other way than being straightforward, but I am 100% convinced that you are struggling with mental illness. I truly feel for you - I can't even imagine what it must be like for you to carry this burden. It must be terrifying to consider the prospect that you have an such a disability, but until you honestly confront this reality and seek help, your life will continue to be filled with fears, distrust, and perpetually feeling you are being persecuted by your perceived "enemies."

    I also feel for your family - your struggles are their struggles as well. I will admit that they seem to be extremist religious types, but you are still their daughter and it must kill them to see what you're going through.

    Whether your mental illness is "paranoid schizophrenia" or something else is not for me to say - but I am certain that you must get help for yourself. Its almost a Catch-22, because in order for you to get help for your disorder, you have to submit yourself to and be trusting of medical professionals, and I imagine your illness makes this extremely difficult for you to do, especially given how you perceive your past encounters with the medical profession.

    As for your complaint, I will give you the objective opinion that it reads like it was written by a paranoid schizophrenic. I would imagine this is how it will be read by whoever's desk it lands on.

    I hope you don't take offense to my post, and I wish you the best. I will continue to read your blog and continue to hope that you are able to get on the road to recovery.

  2. You're entitled to your opinion, but I would think that to make such a comment, you would also be willing to put a name to it.

    If you've stumbled across my blog only a couple of weeks ago, you have most likely not been able to read all of the posts, much less the TTSOMLS (true story of my life) posts in this timeframe.

    Without background knowledge of my history or situation, you're not in a place to judge. Taking excerpts from a few parts of a blog doesn't entitle to an opinion on whether someone is suffering from mental illness or has actually had all of these things happen, and has been in their right mind all along.

    It's also strange that you are "100% convinced" and then you go on to write a condescending statement to the effect that YOU cannot imagine what it must be like and that it must be "terrible" to admit to having a disorder.

    My guess is that you are of average intelligence, and work in a basic corporate or service type of position, and have never been the type of person to thoroughly examine an issue before coming to conclusions. I would also assume that your quick to judge mentality, without having enough knowledge backing you, is probably indicative that, on the Meyer's-Briggs scale, you're a "Judger" and not a "Perceiver" because you don't take in the whole picture and enough information before forming opinions or making decisions. I would also guess that you are a "Sensor", which would make it difficult for you to even comprehend how personality types and differences cause misunderstandings.

    My main complaint with your comment, is that you jumped the gun, and people like you only add to the problems I face in being taken seriously--because there are a lot of narrow minded people in the world who think that any experiences drastically different form their own must not be true or based in fact.

    You also claim I must "confront" this reality and "seek help" which indicates you didn't read the part how I HAVE gone to counseling before, and no one has ever thought I had a mental illness, and none of my roommates have ever thought so either, and I'm quite certain they have more firsthand experience with what I'm like day-to-day, than you or others who make judgements without spending any time with me in person. At ALL.

    You have no idea what I'm like in person, and base your assumptions on a few posts.

    As for "feeling" for my family, you don't have any understanding whatever, about my "family". My family has never been my family to begin with and it's not as though our relationship disintegrated with the onset of "mental illness". My friends from HIGH SCHOOL know what my family was like and the problems I had with them then, and they couldn't believe what I put up with and felt sorry for me. I even had some people offer to let me live with them. So as for family, they've never been a "support" system, financially OR, especially, emotionally, except when it's convenient for them. You have no right, at all, to speak with regard to my family. That has nothing to do with their "extreme religion". My decision to cut them off permanently comes after over a decade of being disappointed by them and having people wonder what was wrong with THEM. So you don't know anything.

    As for your "objective opinion" about what my "mental illness" is, you don't HAVE an "objective opinion" and certaintly cannot make such a claim and expect to be believed when you don't even put your name to your comment.

    If you read anything about Princess Diana, her detractors claimed she was "paranoid" as well, and cited the fact that she was always worried about being "bugged" and she even tore up carpeting to find the bugs. In fact, she also believed her first lover was murdered. What you DON'T hear as much, are the facts: that everyone within the intelligence community worldwide, knows she was, in fact, being "bugged". Her fears were not "paranoia" but were realistic fears, and what holds you back from making any kind of original or logical insight, is the fact that you, not knowing me personally and having not read my blog in its entirety, have no knowledge of the "facts" so you simply assume "paranoia".

    I'm glad to hear you'll continue to read my blog. I'd like to know, since you're reading, what do you think about the whole FBI thing? Do you believe it actually happened or not? Do you think I ever knew someone from the FBI or that I was sexually assaulted? What about the car vandalisms and robberies and disappearance of my medical records (which were clean) before I had doctors begin to write false claims? Do you believe that's true? Oh, and do you believe I actually have any real physical disabilities from a traumatic childbirth, or do you think this is imagined as well? Finally, if you do believe my son and I have damages from childbirth, what do you think of the fact that these specific records were withheld from the hearings?

    I would like to know, exactly what "sounds" like it's real and what doesn't "sound real" to you. You seem to admit to reality about my family being extremists and you also claim to believe doctors have done bad things in the past. So I would like to know, personally, how you separate my "reality" from what you perceive to be "delusion".

    I invite YOU to tell me, what parts are the parts you think are imagined, and what parts are real.

    Go for it.

    And if you really want to get into the saga, and have some time to kill, I also invite you to back up to page 1 and read all the way through. Then, maybe you call me up for coffee as well, or we could exchange email, and you could decide how crazy and mentally ill I am, after talking to me.

    Finally, I may even invite you to meet one of my best friends, who still stands by me, and who has known me since I was 15 years old and knows 1., I am an extremely ethical person, 2. I am a creative spirit, and 3. I am no more mentally ill now than I was then, in high school.

    I'm waiting.

    And, if you would like to speak with my wonderful family, that has been so supportive all along the way, who made me get a job at age 11 so they didn't have to pay for my back-to-school clothes and other essentials, here is my mother's email address: Her best friend and sister's email address is:

    You're sympathies will be well-received by them, not me.

    Still, you've piqued my curiosity. Please do me a favor and lets begin a correspondence, with you telling me what is real and not real, to start.

  3. I'm sorry, Cameo, but the previous poster has made an appropriate observation. I can undersatnd why the previous poster was unable to leave their name and get into an extensive back and forth--one you will likely never concede. I note that your entries in 2008 alone total 1,895. That is more than 5 per day.

    From this post, your ADA complaint alone, you must see its lack of clarity. I won't debate my level of intelligence or provide proof of mine education. In my ten years of reviewing ADA cases (yes as a lawyer), this lacks any focus or clear explanation of a violation. Instead, it is a stream of consciousness rant. Someone who cites their degrees, GPA, etc, smart as I am sure you are, is a first hint that there is reason to be cautious.

    To put yourself at ease, to save your relationship with your family, and to release yourself from your current need to consume endless hours posting each and every thought on this blog, please do yourself the favor of consulting with a mental health professional. If that Dr. tells you all is well, then you can share that with all of is. There is no shame in that. If they say to try a medication first, give that a chance, and see if it frees your mind or not. Only then will you have truly done right by yourself and your child.

  4. Jonathan,

    Thank you for taking such keen interest in my blog.

    What a coincidence that you happen to make a comment on this post, when I have recently accused the organization YOU work for, the ADA, of being unable to handle intake and make appropriate decisions regarding jurisdiction based on the type of law violated, rather than "locale" or positions of persons involved.

    Also coincidental, is your "observation" that I write prolifically, which you attribute to some kind of...OCD! you seem to be saying, after reading my latest post on my blog where I state I am
    "obsessive-compulsive" and that it began when I quit running.

    Your remarks are an attempt to defend your organization for its clear failures.

    The fact that the complaint is long and is a time table and historical description of facts, has no bearing on its merits.

    I do not need to write a concise one page complaint, citing specific laws which were violated, because you, as the attorneys, should have the common sense to figure out from the facts what they are. From my complaint, anyone is able to ascertain the problem is one for which ADA has jurisdiction.

    Finally, my self professed comment about being "OCD" is only a light and chatty remark which was made to be agreeable with a man I met at a coffeehouse who said he was OCD. In no way is it an admission or concedence that I have any kind of mental illness, and you seem to claim it is OCD.

    This is no different from, say, Princess Diana being accused of being stupid and an airhead, simply because she said "I'm as dull as a board" or whatever it was she said, that gave her enemies cause to celebrate and claim she had admitted she was unintelligent. What Diana did, was make a remark to someone, in an attempt to be humble and to make that person feel better about themself.

    In no way is prolific writing a sign of mental illness. I have written prolifically, besides, long before I was injured as a runner. I had a best friend who had several large bags filled with my notes and letters, which she kept in her closet, who I knew from jr. high, and I kept a diary from the age of 13.

    In fact, I excelled at higher education because of the expectation for getting more in-depth and writing a longer thesis, because while some may prefer to touch on the surface, I have always preferred depth.

    Your comments are superficial. If you would like to meet me for coffee, I would be happy to allow you to size me up further and make other claims for the purpose of displacing concerns about your own agency and the qualifications and motives of the ADA lawyers, onto what you claim is a disability by me.

    People who know me best, whom I've been friends with since I was 15 years old, know I am the same person I've always been, and that there is nothing wrong with me.

    I extend an invitation to you, to meet me in person. But I highly doubt you are brave enough to accept.

    How sad that the very lawyers for the Department of Justice and the ADA have to cover their own backs for incompetence and attempts to push legitimate claims under the rug.

