Saturday, December 13, 2008

Copy of Letter to Douglas County Court

Demand For Receipt Of Motions and/or Orders‏
From: cam huegenot (
Sent: Sat 12/13/08 9:21 AM
To:; Michelle K. (DSHS/CA) Erickson (;
This is to be filed with the court:

I have not received the CDs I requested yet, which I've already paid for. When I do, I'll let you know.

I also need a copy of the CD from the last hearing which I did not attend, but I will pay for this in awhile.

In the meantime, I am NOT in receipt of ANY court orders from the last hearing, and must have this sent to me at
once. I am no longer at the other address and need to have it emailed to me for service.

I have a right to ALL discovery, and this court and CPS and the state refused to give me the discovery I needed\
prior to the trial, so either I or another out-of-town lawyer could assist me.

I have since suffered from a painful pregnancy due to childbirth injuries, and subsequent miscarriage, which has
not happened on it's own yet. It is called a missed miscarriage and has not yet passed. During this time, I have
not been able to make progress other than to repeatedly attempt to get services and be ignored by Wenatchee
and D.C. CPS, and be lied to, which I have recorded on CD for evidence.

I am preparing to file a lawsuit against the State of Washington, and it is a conflict of interest for me to receive a
"psych eval" from any employee of the state I'm suing, or anyone paid for by the state.

I have also been discriminated against for disabilities which are not imaginary, but real.

I need any and all motions or copies of orders which I have not received in the last month, and I am also
awaiting copies of radiology films and radiology reports, which were withheld from evidence in the hearings, from the Wenatchee medical offices, which have already been requested for by a
Virginia clinic.

Please let me know this has been filed and please attach any motions or orders from the last hearing to an email to
me. This email will be posted on my public blog, for confirmation it was sent to you.

Cameo Garrett

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