Thursday, December 25, 2008

CPS Refusal of Reasonable Medical to OIiver (March 26, 2008)

Decisions and Information About Language Disorders Affected by Brain Trauma‏
From: cam huegenot (
Sent: Wed 3/26/08 8:49 PM
To: (; (

Marie and Tomas,

You cannot claim to care about my son, if you do not address the fact that his head injury may be the cause of his language problem. Even aside from that, without testing, you don't even know if he has a tumor. To refuse my son every diagnostic is negligence and aggregious. Grounds for a major lawsuit and conspiracy to cover up damages for the medical professionals in Wenatchee. I'm looking for a lawyer for my son, for his birth trauma and what is going on right now. See a short list of possibilities below. My son's head injury was on the left side of his head. It was severe. From what I'm reading, damages can accrue if left undiagnosed and untreated. The longer you leave my son without testing, the worse your eventual position. You are being warned and made aware of the situation right now, ad with every email I continue to send. You are going to be inundated with emails asking for your help in getting real diagnostics on my son's brain. If you have temporary custody of my son, as Marie told me, you are capable of getting emergency and immediate access to all my son's medical records from both Central Washington Hospital and Columbia Valley Medical Center. I also have photos of my son's head injury and scab, taken 3 months after his birth. You can see from the photos, how old he is and he still has a scab. Columbia Valley has the records which show his abnormal bilirubin levels at 3 months of age, due to the head trauma (I was told by CWH that my son would have jaundice automatically because of his head injury, bc he couldn't break down all the extra red blood cells and bleeding without an excess of bilirubin, which causes jaundice). CWH has records that document what they called, I belive, "a bruise". A bruise that scabbed over. Lactation consultants said they felt, even months later, at 5 months of age, that my son was having trouble nursing because of headache or something, they felt his head injury affected him. Either you, the State and Wenatchee CPS look like you're covering for the doctors in Wenatchee too, or you begin to advocate for my son. Your job is not to defend the state. My son is a citizen of the state, and you have a MORAL obligation to put children FIRST. If you don't follow through, you risk facing a major lawsuit that will include the State. If you advocate for my son, you have nothing to lose and everything to gain. Doctors have their own lawyers, they don't need YOU.

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