Thursday, December 25, 2008

CPS Wanted to Adopt My Son Out (April 10, 2008)

From the very beginning, CPS acted in a way to break the bond between me and my son and put my son with my aunt, only on the condition that they wanted to adopt my son, and my aunt and uncle told CPS they were adopting him. I found out from Ivory Avila, their daughter, who actually THOUGHT I would be okay with this, and that it would be "easier" for me to have someone else raise my son:

CPS Attempts To Have My Son Adopted‏
From: cam huegenot (
Sent: Thu 4/10/08 4:56 PM
To: (; (

I am just finding out someone from CPS asked my aunt a bunch of questions about would they be willing to ADOPT Oliver.

Is this part of your "system" and procedure?

It seems you have been purposefully setting this up against returning the child to the mother. You refused to let me see Oliver for a MONTH and then I find out you asked and wanted to be certain my aunt's family would be willing to ADOPT him.

And NOW you don't want to return him to me, even if tests come out negative for so-called "barriers".

You had better have a good answer for this.

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