Saturday, December 27, 2008

Discovery of Intentional Infliction of Emotional Distress

I am going in to see what's going on with the missed miscarriage.

But what's really sad, is that I realized, right before deciding to go in, why the FBI stalled on FOIA requests I made for an entire year, and then why people in Wenatchee stalled on giving me my medical records for months and never gave me my son's immunization records, and then why Dr. Said refused to give me my medical records, and then why it took me so long to get CPS moving so I could see my son, and then they stalled for 2 months when I was asking for discovery so I could try to defend myself when I was pro se, and then why CPS didn't give me discovery at all, or Jeanne Wellbaum my case file, until my case was over, and then why D.C. CPS stalled with Wenathcee CPS for over 2 months as I sought to get services going.

These people all got their information on what caused me emotional distress. The Abbey did it first, and their lawyers stalled and then gave me the run around, telling me to drive up there and meet them, and then ignoring me, promising me they were giving me information about monastic policies, and then ignoring me, and telling me to call all of these different people, who switched me back and forth between themselves for THREE MONTHS, until I finally lost it.

The Abbey lawyers and the Abbey were purposefully harassing me and trying to cause emotional distress. Then the FBI and those they knew in the FBI, did the same thing, knowing it would work and that I'd get so upset I'd finally start writing exasperated email to the FBI in all field offices, out of frustration.

Then the medical lawyers for Wenatchee, who knew I had had legal matters with the Abbey, obviously communicated and got information on how to try to destroy me and cause me distres, by refusing me my son's vaccination records for months, and then years, knowing I was distraught and needed the information to give to VAERS and to protect the interests of my own son. Then Dr. Said was refusing to give me my chart and all information, so I couldn't take my information to other doctors, and then what does Wenatchee CPS do? They deliberately stalled, for months, in allowing me to see my own son, after repeated requests, and they lied to me, knowing the longer they ignored my requests for discovery, the better the reaction would eventually be.

These people intentionally and deliberately sought to TRY to get me to have a breakdown, knowing I didn't have any way to defend myself and get my son back, without having information in front of me.

And then, I was refused my own case file, after repeated requests, and refused discovery by the state, all the way up to the Fact Finding hearing, knowing it would cause me great distress and that finally giving me the discovery after it was too late to appeal would be a slap in my face.

Finally, D.C. CPS and Wenatchee CPS purposefully ignored my phone calls to get services going, for TWO months, even when I went to the D.C. offices.

All of these people were working together, knowing what would trigger the "best" reaction out of me, knowing I would be polite and patient, but that after being harassed and provoked, I would lose it and they would finally get emails from me which they could later use to their advantage to claim there was something wrong with me, when the only thing wrong with me was that I was being jerked around, and no one respected my rights.

All the way to the loss of my son and even afterwards, these people purposefully premeditated to cause me emotional distress, and then they wanted to claim this was just the way I was and had nothing to do with them, and the stress they caused in my life.

They knew what they were doing, and anyone with an interest in covering their ass, was interested in how to get me to have a breakdown, and thought the magnetic pulse would be a great way to claim I had mental illness, when I didn't.

Yes, I had some issues, but anyone would, after what has been done to me, and these things were done intentionally.

As for the magnetic pulse and pain and seizures, that was separate, and it happened. These people provoked me with harassment, to get a response out of me and then someone decided to use the magnetic pulse knowing they could show everyone a bunch of emails from me where I had become frustrated and written things out of character under extreme duress and stress, and then claim what happened to me and my son was all in my head.

Oh, and yes, the Judge DID order CPS to give me discovery prior to Fact Finding, and they didn't do it. But they sure made a hell of a lot of excuses as to why they didn't do it.

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