Thursday, December 25, 2008

Discrimatation of Oliver by Wenatchee CPS (April 4, 2008)

Proof of the state's agenda against me and refusal to consider other alternatives that could have affected my son's speech and rule out other more likely causes. A child who is traumatized QUITS speaking. They don't keep trying to speak, in an animated way, but being unable to artilate the same words, this happening in a week's time. They didn't even get an outside opinion but relied on their buddies in Wenatchee:

FW: From Oliver Garrett's Mother‏
From: cam huegenot (
Sent: Fri 4/04/08 8:54 AM
To: (; (

Mr. Caballero,

This are my wishes regarding my son. I absolutely OBJECT to any further "evalutions" by state personnel and those employed by THE STATE until an MRI is done for my son.

At this point, it is redundant and inefficient to go about this any other way. If MRI shows trauma or damage, there is no more "guessing". I already know my son has been through some things.

I need to move the court hearing date up one week, if possible. My migraines are best avoided this way and I have need to get some legal records back from my former attorney as well.

Please let me know when the MRI for my son is scheduled, and confirm whether his other appointments which I've objected to, have been cancelled until this is done.

> From:
> To:
> Subject: RE: From Oliver Garrett's Mother
> Date: Fri, 4 Apr 2008 08:48:59 -0700
> I object to any further evaluations of Oliver until he has had an MRI.
> Thanks for explaining some of these things below, but it is still clear to me that CPS has had their own agenda, and purposefully kept me out of the loop. No one EVER told me to sign a form for getting Oliver's records. I have received other discovery WITHOUT "signing a form". I've also got a full request form for all records within DSHS, including CPS, which I made many months ago and I've not received all the records to date. So I've signed a form and you don't have to sign another for 90 days or so.
> They would know these things. They also knew they were scheduling all kinds of things without notifying me AT ALL, keeping me informed about MY SON, and doing all this without my consent or knowledge.
> YOU have the right to refuse or postpone any and all appointments for Oliver and I want this next one postponed until I speak with the judge about what's been going on.
> The fact is, I told Wenatchee doctors about Oliver's sudden abnormal loss of speech OVER A YEAR ago and they did NOTHING about it. It was abnormal. Oliver wasn't a slow-to-speak child. He was speaking very early, and was in highly gifted or better ranges. He also met every single one of the developmental milestones over 30% ahead of the norm, which I kept record of. I was going onto a gifted children website every day, trying to keep up with Oliver, and find out about kids like him, and then it just stopped.
> I asked for an MRI, THEN. These doctors didn't have to wait until he was 2. They could have listened to me and NEVER have. As a result, my son hasn't received the care he needs and deserves and he's not even getting diagnostics NOW, or help with sign language, or any acknowledgment he needs this.
> If Oliver has brain trauma, an MRI would have picked up on this over a year ago and they could have been working on "early intervention" when I advocated for my son and his right to be evaluated. They didn't do this. They were negligent. Negligent first with his birth, and then with helping him when I said he needed help.
> Then they TAKE him away from me, and start trying to implement their own agendas, and still delay and refuse the MRI. Keeping me entirely out of the loop, in the process.
> This is wrong. They have injured me, and injured Oliver.
> I would like to have you call Dr. Hornby. If Hornby refuses to refer Oliver out for an MRI, at ONCE, then I will bring in all the ADA people and request he is appointed a new pediatrician out of the Wenatchee area. Still, it is clear Oliver will be unable to receive objective care here.
> Let me know what Hornby says. I'm going to copy the AG on this email but I'll delete the last message from you which is immediately below.
> Thanks
> ________________________________
> > To:
> > Subject: Re: From Oliver Garrett's> >
> >
> > -----Original Message-----
> > From: cam huegenot
> > To:
> > Sent: Thu, 3 Apr 2008 7:42 pm
> > Subject: FW: From Oliver Garrett's Mother
> >
> >
> >
> > Holly,
> >
> > I want this appointment to be cancelled until I have the next hearing and
> > address this matter before the judge.
> >
> > You have the right to cancel and are not obligated to allow these visits. You
> > have the same right to refuse as you do to refuse to go to a special mom's group
> > for foster parents and kids, and anything else.
> >
> > I'm asking that everything be postponed until I have my hearing. What CPS has
> > done is improper and they know it.
> >
> > Cameo

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