Thursday, December 25, 2008

Email to Brain Injury Lawyer (March 27, 2008)

RE: Traumatic Birth; Brain Injury‏
From: cam huegenot (
Sent: Thu 3/27/08 11:08 AM
To: Pascale Robichaud (

Thank you. Can you recommend anyone in the Washington state area? or who is licensed to practice in Washington?

> Subject: RE: Traumatic Birth; Brain Injury
> Date: Thu, 27 Mar 2008 10:19:59 -0700
> From:
> To:
> Thank you for your email. Based on your email below, we can see that you are going through a very difficult situation; however, we must advise you that our firm is not able to help in this matter.
> /for R. Brian Webster
> Webster & Associates, Barristers & Solicitors
> Suite 550 - 5900 No. 3 Road, Richmond, B.C. V6X 3P7
> (dir tel) 604 713 8033 (email)
> (tel) 604 713 8030 (fax) 604 713 8038
> This email message is directed in confidence solely to the person or entity to whom it is
> addressed. The contents of this email may be subject to solicitor-client privilege. All rights to that
> privilege are claimed and not waived. We would appreciate a reply if this email has been
> delivered to someone other than its intended recipient.
> --- Original Message---
> To: Pascale Robichaud
> From: cam huegenot
> Sent: Mar 26, 2008 9:02PM
> Subject: Traumatic Birth; Brain Injury
>>> Hello,
>>> I need to find a lawyer who understands brain injury. My son suffered a very traumatic
>>> birth and ended up with a head injury on the left side of his head. He had a scab for
>>> over 3 months and abnormal bilirubin levels at 3 months. He seemed okay, verbally,
>>> speaking early and having a very impressive vocabulary before he was 9 months old.
>>> He was even making 3 word sentences, and then almost suddenly, it quit. It stopped
>>> somewhat abruptly, and then language would still show up here and there and then
>>> petered out altogether. Now he is almost 2 years old and has a vocab of only 14
>>> words which he say well, or use often, and he babbles a lot, but cannot articulate what
>>> he wants to say. The doctors in this town worked very hard to cover up what
>>> happened, at his birth, and have gone to extreme lengths. They even began making
>>> complaints to CPS about me, his mother, and this is a small town, and CPS took my
>>> son away from me recently, and have temporary custody. The only people making
>>> complaints were the medical professionals I told I was going to sue for medical
>>> malpractice. My son has already been diagnosed by 2 pediatric dentists with enamel
>>> dysplasia, which they say could have only been caused by his birth trauma.
>>> The state will not authorize any diagnostics or testing for my son's head injury. They
>>> are all interrelated here, in Wenatchee. They won't schedule an MRI, CT, PET, or
>>> anything to find out if my son's brain shows damage. I believe it will prove he has
>>> suffered damages. My son needs a good lawyer. I was also damaged in childbirth
>>> and have permanent problems but all I want is help for my son, to go into an account
>>> for him alone.
>>> Please help or refer if necessary. I live in Washington state.
>>> Cameo

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