Tuesday, December 30, 2008

ER Again Probably

I think I have to check into an ER again. I got really dizzy and out of air and had to sit back and now I'm shivering uncontrollably, so I don't think my CBCs are okay yet.

I've just been sitting this whole time and started feeling this way and it's getting worse and I'm getting very shaky so I think I have to call an ambulance since my roommates are not home. I may wait a few minutes, but I knew, when they kicked me out of PGH it was too early.

Then I thought, maybe I was wrong. But now I'm thinking, no, I think I was right. My CBCs hadn't stabilized and that's why I'm still dizzy and now shaking with chills. So it may be a while until I can write again. I don't know.

I called another place and they couldn't believe PGH was trying to discharge me with bp of 77/34 and told me CBC of 8.2 was extremely low and to come right over. I sort of feel "fine" again, but then I get these dizzy patches now and then, and I'm very cold. I don't know if I'd feel this cold normally. So I'm gonna get checked out, to be safe.

Thanks everyone, who has prayed for me and sent good wishes my way. I do appreciate it and it probably kept me alive these last few days. I'm thankful. I really wish my baby had had a chance, and I'm sort of rehashing things now, but I'll get over it again I think. I will never forget though, and there must have been some reason for this. I miss a lot of things right now, and it doesn't make sense, but maybe someday everything will make more sense.

I just really loved that baby already. I don't know why, but I did. And Oliver would have had a brother, a commrade, and I still want this for him. It's important.

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