Thursday, December 25, 2008

Evals of Oliver Run by CWH in Conflict of Interest (April 9, 2008)

Look at this. The speech therapist organization CPS used to have Oliver "evaluated" by, has the hospital I was going to SUE for medical malpractice for me and my son, as PRESIDENT and VP! There is a total conflict of interest. Obviously, my son never got other diagnostics. He never had a chance:

RE: Information‏
From: cam huegenot (
Sent: Wed 4/09/08 12:01 AM
To: Erickson, Michelle K. (DSHS/CA) (

I have been asking for this information for weeks.

There is NO excuse not to have it, especially as CPS has been directly involved with this.

As usual, it appears my fears are confirmed--this entire organization that is "evaluating" my son is headed up by a board of directors with Central Washington Hospital employees as PRESIDENT and VICE PRESIDENT. This is a direct conflict of interest with my son's birth trauma and injuries, which CWH has gone to great lengths to conceal.

I absolutely and repeatedly OBJECT to any evaluation of my son there and I will be contacting Paul Cassell or someone else, first thing in the morning to file an injunction with the court, if I do not do so myself, before the scheduled appointment.

My son should not have anything to do with CWH organizations, or medical "professionals" in Wenatchee, when they have refused us services in the past, and attempted to cover up my and my son's damages which is WHY I had to go to Seattle for care. It is a conflict of interest when they already know they are liable for medical malpractice. THIS is why no doctor in Wenatchee is referring my son out for MRI, and why any other possible excuse will be sought, to protect Central Washington Hospital, and the board of directors for this pediatric place will most certaintly know who to have evaluate my son "to their liking" and apply necessary pressure. My son has been HARMED by the medical "professionals" of Wenatchee, and I object to him being subjected to ANYTHING by the people in this town, which is why I've repeatedly asked for change of venue.

This appointment MUST BE CANCELLED.

Subject: Information
Date: Tue, 8 Apr 2008 17:27:18 -0700


All I was able to find regarding the appointment your son has tomorrow is that it will be at the Pediatric Therapy Center. He will be evaluated by a Speech Therapist, however I do not know which one will be evaluating him. Here is the website for the Pediatric Therapy Center You will be able to get more information about their staff there. They will also be able to share their qualifications with you tomorrow at the evaluation. Have a good evening and I look forward to meeting with you tomorrow at noon to discuss your services. Please direct further communication through Marie and she will notify me if it is a matter I need to follow up on.

Michelle Erickson, MSW

Social Worker III

Division of Children and Family Services


Phone: (509) 667-6118

Fax: (509) 664-6358

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