Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Example of Ovarian Baby That Survives

This above link is one which shows an ovarian baby carried to full term, with a healthy mother. There wasn't a lot of pain in her case. The main alerts are severe pain if something is going to be damaging to the mother. Usually, after 20 weeks, such a pregnancy is just monitored and followed closely. My baby right now would be about 13 weeks or so, so it's gone a long time, and has been through a lot and is still, apparently, kicking.

No wonder I was so dehydrated and my red blood cell count were low. I was carrying twins. And my pain is from probably the prolapse and the twin factor. HOnestly, this could have been caught a long time ago if the doctors had listened to me and done better investigative ultrasound. Doctors need to listen to their patients, especially ones like me, who are very in tune with their own bodies.

Now that I know I'm still pregnant, I'm thinking of anything I've had to eat that's not good, etc. I haven't had any alcohol at all, so that's good. I have smoked weed very lightly to control migraine, but not enough to even show on some tox screens. The worst thing was probably taking the Xanax and then whatever that Zytotec may have done. Otherwise, I've slacked on healthy eating, but not much. I haven't done anything which would cause a birth defect or anything.

I wonder why this one survived and the other one died, if the ovary is more protective somehow? or it was just out of the way of the direct radiation or something?

Again, this entire situation could have been caught, because I complained so much, and yet no one listened. I didn't even fully listen to myself. I thought, in the beginning, I might be carrying twins and even asked the father about a family history. But then I only saw one and was surprised and thought I was wrong. It was another one of those intuitive things, where I felt I knew something I couldn't prove.

Now it's been proven, and I know I need to pay even better attention to my instincts. I need some coffee, and then I'm getting on the phone to some specialists for a bunch of things, and churches to help me with seizure diagnostics.

This latest discovery should be enough to SHUT UP the critics who claim I have psychosomatic pain and that I cannot accurately judge my own body and pain. I didn't put my babies at risk--once again, it was the fault of medical "professionals" who didn't listen to me and do their investigative work. I was right to seek an MRI, and knew it then, because no one was listening and I knew something was different and wrong, and voila! I accurately found the benefits to outweigh the risks, and everything should have been fine, if their MRI machine had been working correctly.

Slam to the simpletons, though, eh?

I think I may want to move to Israel or an Asian country, or somewhere, where intelligence is valued and given respect and people are not centering their focus around football and pinioning the smart people to the wall out of jealousy, because they would rather discuss sports and fashion.

I need to be somewhere where I am surrounded by intellectuals and active-thinking-non intellectuals, like artists, creators, and things.

I can't live in the kind of world I've been living in, and I've done it to myself, to be so upset all the time, because I've chosen the company I keep and am forced to keep, by choosing where I live and the kind of people I live around. Which is why I never should have moved to Wenatchee.

Different cultures place value on different things. I'm just tired of being discounted and punished for being smarter than the average person, and there are a lot of other "poor" people who are every bit as smart as me, who never have a chance to show this to others, who are held down. Yes, I do have a lot of problems with different people. But they're all people whose values are at sharp contrast to mine, and that is the problem.

When I first went to ER, I even TOLD the doctor, I wondered if I had an ectopic pregnancy and wanted to rule it out. She saw one normal fetus and then just shut down further investigation, thinking there was no need to follow the symptoms I reported.

Guess what? As rare as ovarian pregnancy is, I knew something was going on, and who was right? I was. Start paying attention and stop discounting me when I say there was a magnetic pulse that caused all my and my son's problems and the computer problems, because this is also a "rare" occurance and unlikely, but guess what? It fucking happened.

Stop fucking doubting me. I am RIGHT.

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