Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Fortune Teller On Jealousy

I think it's true what the fortune teller said to me. She said I was meant for great things, and for good luck, but there was too much jealousy. She said too many people were jealous of me.

She was right. She is right.

Motive: jealousy.

She also, the fortune teller, said once she would pray the guy I liked didn't sleep with others, and he held a record for awhile. I think she prayed for me at her church too, which was Russian Orthodox.

The guy was the Spiderman. It went against all reason, and I thought I was crazy myself, but there was something I liked. Then I found out, from his Spiderwoman, she said she was telling me so I could protect myself, that he had not been faithful to me. She begged me not to tell him and didn't want him to know it came from her. So I went for others after that and then I ended up with him again--well, but secretly, because I didn't want people to know. I kept it private.

I haven't been with anyone since. I have been celibate. But I don't want a fling, I am waiting for something real.

Sometimes people hit on things, even if it's not all the time.

Spiderwoman was jealous of me too, but for a generally valid reason--because she had something going with him. I don't think she was jealous of me as an individual, but I could be wrong. She got mad if people at the bar even gave me more attention than her.

Why does anyone even CARE what I do? I flirt a little and talk, but it leads to nothing.

Spiderwoman and Spiderman thought I was sleeping with all these guys and I wasn't. I was just flirting with them and then they'd walk me home or to the Metro and I'd say goodnight. All they saw was me leaving the bar with a man. People make a lot of assumptions.

So disgusting. I have just realized, I probably got that yeast infection from HER, Spiderwoman. How gross.

Oh, and she appeared to be pregnant for some time too, and everyone thought so, and she suddenly quit drinking and was eating healthy foods. Spiderman was even taking photos of her profile and her belly was getting huge. She later claimed she just had digestive extended stomach problems and that's why she'd been in the bathroom all the time. Like, all the time. And she was having hideous mood swings. Then one day, it all stopped. She started drinking again. After a couple months of quitting.

Could you imagine, what if Spiderman had BOTH of us pregnant at the same time?! I was pregnant too, but it probably happened after she got pregnant first, if she was, and I think she was. Her boobs were huge too, and she was claiming that she was just wearing tighter shirts.

She didn't know I was pregnant, and I didn't say anything, even though she asked, until right before she left for a vacation and that's when I was fired--right after I told everyone at work I was pregnant and admitted it was Dabney's baby.

I had lived with her for a short time, and she would ask all these questions and try to get stuff out of me. She asked me if I'd ever kissed anyone where it was just really mushy kissing, and she smiled, and I had--Dabney, when he'd had too much to drink (and I was usually drinking too, but still noticed). I wondered then, because she got this smirk. I also saw her expression change when I said a few things about him. But she had her lovers. They were just bizarre, and had ME in on their bizarre triangle, and a number of other women too.

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