Sunday, December 7, 2008

Hillary For Secretary of State

This is a late comment about Hillary for Sect. of State, but I think she's an odd choice.

I thought, if Obama and Hillary were on the same team, Obama is more suited to foreign affairs, and Hillary to domestic issues.

I would have been happy to see Hillary with an important post in the line-up, but Secretary of State? That's dealing with foreign matters and diplomats and other countries...

And this is the woman who said, about Putin, "...He's KGB--by definition, he doesn't have a soul." Another gem was made during the campaigns:

"We'd OBLITERATE 'em!" (regarding middle east affairs).

She's well-suited to healthcare and domestic issues, but is far too emotional and off-the-cuff to lend credibility to the Department of State. I mean, if I were from another country, knowing the comments she's made, I'd be shaking my head in dismay.

I would vote for her to be the U.S. VP before Secretary of State. I just don't think her emotional side and philosophies lend well to any position involving international affairs.

Does anyone second me?

I haven't checked lately, on all the current events, so I guess I'll do a quick google to find out.

Maybe though, as it's said Obama doesn't play by the rules or "the game",and Hillary does, some people were pushing for her in this role because she'd be likely to go along with all kinds of superpower tactics to stay at the top no matter who we kill.

I mean, Rice was sitting at the UN table. I simply cannot picture Hillary sitting at the table for United Nations, and being a unifying force.

Okay, I did a little more research, good and bad...

Hillary has been a strong proponent of women's rights, internationally, so that's good. On the other hand, I read even more comments she's made about other countries which are not very sensitive.

Finally, it may be a good strategic move for the U.S. domestically. While some may be groaning about Clinton, she'll be out of the country most of the time, and, as they say, keep your friends close and your enemies closer.

We'll see.

I think Eric Holden is a good choice for Attorney General. For once we may get someone who is interested in civil rights and not just his best friends' rights. I've seen a couple of different sides to the AGs, in my own experience. Not all of them are there for the right reasons.

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