Wednesday, December 31, 2008

I Have Twins (?!)

So this is weird, is it not? the strange thing too, is that I asked the father if there were twins in his family, because I felt SO pregnant and had the symptoms TIMES TWO, that although there is no history in My family, I believed perhaps in his family, this was the case. I thought maybe I was carrying twins and then I saw the ultrasound and only saw one normal looking sac while the other one was hiding.

This kind of twinning is called Heterotopic pregnancy and I've included the wiki on it below. Who knows, maybe i really WAS feeling the baby move afterall. And, like the doctor said, it sures explains the excessive pain.

See below for heterotopic:

Heterotopic pregnancy is an exceedingly rare type of dizygotic twinning in which one twin implants in the uterus as normal and the other remains in the fallopian tube as an ectopic pregnancy. As ectopic pregnancy can be life-threatening to the mother, it must be resolved; however, in most cases, the intrauterine pregnancy can be salvaged. Heterotopic pregnancy occurs at a rate of about one in 30,000 pregnancies.[citation needed]

So now the issue is what to do. I could die or become infertile by continuing to carry a baby in the ovary. On the other hand, I'm almost wondering if I'm practically infertile anyway. And death? death schmeaf. On the way home from Prince George's Hospital, by taxi, a guy drove at high speed, right for the taxi driver, and missed, because the taxi driver was too fast. But first I almost died in blood loss, and then by car crash, again.

I guess, for some reason, I'm still here, so you assassins out there--take note! I am marked by the blood of the lamb and I wouldn't try to kill me if I were you! ;)

I get to be Job, suffering every misery under the sun, but being deprived of actual death.

So, I have thinking to do. I'm not opposed to letting this little one have it's way. I just need to think about everything and figure out which hospital is going to best be able to care for and nurture a child like this. I mean, who wants to take responsibility? Some places would say to abort immediately, but I tend to not go this direction, although, in these circumstances, I don't think God would be upset. It's more that I would be upset with myself, if there is a life struggling to survive, and I chose my own life instead. I mean,there's a balance. If somehow, I can keep my own life, and be very careful, and have good doctors, but also give this one a chance, that is what I'd like to do. And actually, I think sometimes, some of the best for this sort of thing, might be those at a Catholic hospital who are experienced in keeping very premature and young lives living. But I don't know, I'll have to find out what resources are out there to help me with this.

Is this not bizarre?

And I'm still a little confused. First, I get these wide eyes and horror, as they tell me it looks like an ectopic pregnancy, and then when they see I'm sort of pleased or interested, they then look at me darkly and say, "No, there's nothing there." If there's "nothing there" then how can it be an ectopic pregnancy, and why would they be wanting me to take meds to shed the placental lining, or "thin" it, and why do they want to check my horomone levels again in 2-3 days and give me meds to bring those levels "down"?

What? they want to shrink my baby?

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