Thursday, December 25, 2008

Ignored by Cassel Prior to Hearing (April 28, 2008)

Discrimination and Violation of ADA; Notice of Inability to Travel & Visit My Son‏
From: cam huegenot (
Sent: Mon 4/28/08 8:35 PM
To:; Michelle K. (DSHS/CA) Erickson (; (
Mr. Cassell,

Because I haven't heard from you, I'm going to have to forfeit my visit to my SON tomorrow and the next day, in order to draft MY OWN FUCKING MOTION because you haven't done anything, and haven't even been able to keep in touch with me,
when this is urgent and affects my and my son's health and right to medical diagnostics and care.

I consider what you've done, and your inattention to this case, to be a purposeful attempt to force me to go out pro se.

That is not your job and I do not want to be pro se. I want representation, but you obviously cannot do your job.


For Marie and Michelle, I have a right to see my son and your department has interferred with this right by denying me and my son change of venue, when I requested this for good reason long ago. You even have notice from a doctor that this affects my condition.

I CANNOT go on the bus and travel that far without severe pain and worsened symptoms. It has already affected my work.

Your refusal to accomodate me is going to the ADA and is no longer Wenatchee jurisdiction.


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