Thursday, December 25, 2008

Incompetence by Wenatchee Speech Therapists for Oliver (April 3, 2008)

CPS refused to tell me who was evaluating my son and I finally got it out of my aunt. I had never been contacted by these so-called "professional speech therapists":

From Oliver Garrett's Mother‏
From: cam huegenot (
Sent: Thu 4/03/08 4:12 PM

I am told both of you have been "evaluating" my son for his speech problems and yet in the last month and a half, you didn't think to contact his mother, whom he lived with and who took accurate records of his developmental milestones, to ask questions about his history.

I consider this to be a sign of unprofessionalism and incompetence.

You cannot make any kind of diagnostic or evaluation, without first knowing what his history was, which included a very severe head trauma at birth, over the left section of his head, which is the side that processes language. My son had jaundice and abnormal bilirubin levels for THREE months after birth because of his head injury, and I was told from the beginning he would have jaundice because of this wound. He also had a large scab over this wound, for THREE months, and I took photos of it, feeling it may be significant as evidence later.

Not only this, the lactation consultants I worked with, felt he wasn't well and that he was having trouble nursing because of head injury and "headache".

I would like to hear your perspective on this and an answer as to why you have not recommended MRI, to evaluate for damage to his brain, which the speech therapist in Canada felt was necessary, and why you haven't bothered to contact me to find out what was going on with my son.

I am also requesting copies of all your records, and I do NOT consent to further evaluation by either of you, or anyone from your organization, for the record.

I absolutely object to your involvement with my son as so far, you have taken an incomplete history of my son and yet claim you know what the problem is, and think that you can even "work with him" as if this is a simple delay and not because of a traumatic injury which should be evaluated by objective scientific diagnostics, and not mere "opinion".

Please reply.


Cameo Garrett

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