Thursday, December 25, 2008

Lawyer for Brain Injury for Oliver, My Son (March 26, 2008)

Trying to get help for my son:

Traumatic Birth; Brain Injury‏
From: cam huegenot (
Sent: Wed 3/26/08 9:02 PM


I need to find a lawyer who understands brain injury. My son suffered a very traumatic birth and ended up with a head injury on the left side of his head. He had a scab for over 3 months and abnormal bilirubin levels at 3 months. He seemed okay, verbally, speaking early and having a very impressive vocabulary before he was 9 months old. He was even making 3 word sentences, and then almost suddenly, it quit. It stopped somewhat abruptly, and then language would still show up here and there and then petered out altogether. Now he is almost 2 years old and has a vocab of only 14 words which he say well, or use often, and he babbles a lot, but cannot articulate what he wants to say. The doctors in this town worked very hard to cover up what happened, at his birth, and have gone to extreme lengths. They even began making complaints to CPS about me, his mother, and this is a small town, and CPS took my son away from me recently, and have temporary custody. The only people making complaints were the medical professionals I told I was going to sue for medical malpractice. My son has already been diagnosed by 2 pediatric dentists with enamel dysplasia, which they say could have only been caused by his birth trauma.

The state will not authorize any diagnostics or testing for my son's head injury. They are all interrelated here, in Wenatchee. They won't schedule an MRI, CT, PET, or anything to find out if my son's brain shows damage. I believe it will prove he has suffered damages. My son needs a good lawyer. I was also damaged in childbirth and have permanent problems but all I want is help for my son, to go into an account for him alone.

Please help or refer if necessary. I live in Washington state.


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