Thursday, December 25, 2008

Marie, the "Christian" State Worker, Lies Again (April 3, 2008)

RE: My Son's Medical Records‏
From: cam huegenot (
Sent: Thu 4/03/08 4:23 PM
To: Scanlon, Marie (DSHS/CA) (
Cc: (

My son has already been seen by YOUR chosen specialists, THREE times in my aunt's house, and she has documented dates and what they did.

You never gave me paperwork from Early Intervention Services. I have received nothing. Perhaps you thought you did, but you didn't.

I have sent several emails indicating I DO need copies of Oliver's medical records from Dr. Hornbee and the speech therapists, and that his other records I have already and will fax to you. I was going to fax them to you and Caballero on Monday, and made my request to Beaty, former lawyer, on Friday last week, and have received nothing. Beaty didn't even reply to my repeated requests for the return of my son's and my medical records, until TODAY, and then they tell me they can't or couldn't mail them earlier because it would have been "too expensive" and won't be able to drop them off until this Saturday. I guess gas is cheaper than postage these days, as we all know.

Just make your request for ALL of my son's records. If they'll give them to you expedited, it would be in my son's best interest because he needs diagnostics that no doctor in Wenatchee will approve. Like I said, I had to go to Seattle myself to get a simple X-ray of my broken tailbone and fractured pelvis, because NOT ONE doctor in Wenatchee would do it. They refused to help my son as well.

If you care at ALL about my son, request his records from all the clinics I've mentioned he's been to (basically, all the medical centers in town: CVCH, WVMC, and the hospital, and his dentist in Wenatchee, and the pediatrician and pediatric dentist at University of Washington).

In the meantime, I will work on my end, trying to get my son's records back, and I will fax them the day I do.

I need to know what your fax number is and if it will be on on Saturday or over the weekend. I need to know Caballero's fax will also be on.

Thank you,


> Subject: RE: My Son's Medical Records
> Date: Thu, 3 Apr 2008 16:04:53 -0700
> From:
> To:
> Cameo,
> Mr. Caballero has told you that I will provide discovery to you and I am
> required to provide that in a timely manner. I told you in our phone
> conversation on March 26 and in an email on March 27 that I would have
> to request Oliver's medical records and then send them to you.
> I also told you on March 26 that Oliver is scheduled for an assessment
> for speech services. There are no records yet because he has not yet
> qualified for any services. His assessment is on April 9. During your
> visitation on March 26 I gave you paperwork from Early Intervention
> Services. The therapist has told me that they will also provide you
> with your own packet of information at the appointment on April 9.
> Have a great day!
> Marie Scanlon
> Social Worker III
> Wenatchee DCFS
> (509) 667-6142

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