Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Methergine and Ergotamine IV for Migraine after EMF Exposure

According to the literature on Methergine, a function of methergine is to constrict the blood vessels which have been expanded in hemmorhage for whatever reason.

What I found interesting, tonight, is the discovery that Methergine is an ergot compound, similar to the ergotamine I received in an IV, in Canada, following exposure to magnetic pulse for an extended period of time.

I had wondered, why the ergotamine mixtures had such a serious impact on my internal organs and stomach lining. It felt as though my stomach were on chemical fire, and then I passed blanced body tissue into the toilet afterward. I had been experiencing, along with my son, extreme abdominal pain while we were at this location and in Wenatchee.

So I researched ergot compounds and what they do.

Then, I got information about how magnetic pulse would destroy certain parts of the blood which help to clot. I asked the Prince George's Hospital to check my blood for clotting disorder, which is an easy and simple test, and they refused. It is not even an expensive test to do.

However, if my blood and uterine lining have been affected by exposure to EMF, as I claim is true, something like Methergine would have a similar effect to my stomach lining and blood vessels, as the ergotamine mixture would have had, when I took it after EMF exposure for migraine.

It basically constricts blood vessels that are abnormally open and would help to make up for clotting problems with the blood flow stopping on its own. If there are problems with platelets and vessels that have been overexposed to EMF, or problems with a uterine and stomach lining because of EMF exposure, an ergot compound, such as the ergotamine IV I had, or an ergot compound like Methergine, would alleviate problems created by EMF exposure.

I don't know what point I'm trying to make, because I really don't have one. I'm just making some connections and learning about the effects of ergot compounds and how it has affected my body in the past. I am just writing about this, as notes for my own use later, when I make new discoveries.


  1. Did you file a lawsuit about DHE or ergotamines?

  2. Did you contact an attorney about DHE or ergotamines?

  3. Did you contact an attorney about ergotamines?
