Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Almost Bled To Death Because of Hospital

I think it's clear I wasn't outraged by what happened to my baby. I took partial responsibility even, and didn't plan to sue anyone. But I had second thoughts, after more happened at that hospital.

I went in, the same night I had turned around. I began having contractions the next morning, about 6 a.m., and then on the way, something "popped" and I felt liquid, 5 minutes from the hospital. I arrived with blood on my pants. Then, I just began hemmorhaging. I bled and bled, and they took me to ER, where my blood pressure went down to 80/43. I had some problem with clots and they kept having to go in with forceps to take them out, and then they helped remove the baby, which was stuck. It didn't harm it at all.

After this, I continued to hemmorhage. I looked at the baby behind closed curtains and told them to preserve the baby, because I didn't know if I was going to bury it at home or have it autopsied. I decided I didn't want that hospital to do any pathology after some more things happened there.

I had bled a LOT, and my blood pressure was very low but then it went up to about 111/60, which still isn't normal for me. They didn't do a CBC, after they did one which showed I was abnormally low on blood cells. They wanted to give me Zytotec, to take at home, 4 pills of it, and then bleed there. They said it would help the contractions to complete the process faster. I didn't feel comfortable leaving, even though I got extreme pressure from some of the doctors, to leave.

I asked for more people to come in, and in their presence, said I wasn't comfortable leaving. They told me my blood pressure was fine but they refused to check my CBC again and I didn't feel well. So they let me stay while I took the first round of Zytotec. But then the doctor who had said he would manage my pain with pain relievers if I took it, just disappeared when I said I was staying.

The pain was excruciating, and any doctor should know what kind of pain management is reasonable for the effects of the medicine. They gave me nothing. I begged for something, and after over a half hour, they gave me 800 mg. Ibuprofen, which did nothing. I was sobbing, for over an hour, and only after a doctor I liked finally came on, the Russian OBGYN, did they take care of my pain. They had refused to let me speak with her, wouldn't page her, and kept lying about whether she was there or not. When she came back, she ordered reasonable pain relief.

I hemmorhaged so badly, I had to stay in the hospital. I was hooked up to IVs the entire time. If I'd been at home, I would have bled to death. I would have passed out and bled to death.

They finally gave me blood transfusions. They said they either had to do a D&C to cut off the blood loss, or they would have to give me a blood transfusion. I okayed the blood transfusion when my heart got erratic and I was seeing black patches and almost passing out.

Normal CBC is 10 or over. I was at or below 7. So I had two blood transfusions. Right before the transfusions, they were saying it was "normal" for me to bleed enough clots to fill an entire thick bedpan. I knew it wasn't normal.

So, yeah, if I'd gone home to take the Zytotec, as they wanted, I would have died.

Then, while they were trying to give me blood transfusions and I was starting to pass out, their blood transfusion machine wouldn't work. It refused to work at all. They kept trying to get it to work and it wouldn't for over a half hour, until I desperately called INOVA Fairfax to let them know I was in need of a blood transfusion and about to pass out, and the machine wasn't working, and no one was calling in a doctor for help like I asked. They were just trying to figure out what was wrong with the machine.

This was the THIRD equipment failure that I had witnessed, at this hospital, with regard to my care, and all three failures were witnessed by others as well.

After I was treated very badly, and I saw this third equipment failure, which endangers lives, I decided to call a lawyer. And after I did, the hospital tried to kick me out.

They tried to discharge me when my blood pressure was 77/34, after I'd received the blood transfusions, while I had a temperature besides.

77/34 and they were trying to force me out. The name of this hospital is Prince George Hospital, and I do not recommend that anyone ever go there. It is one that will soon be losing licenses and probably have to shut down eventually.

I've heard other very bad things about it, but I wasn't prejudiced until the way I was treated for this miscarriage, and the equipment failure of the blood transfusion machine reminded me of what had happened with the MRI when my son lost his heartbeat, and the other equipment failures I'd witnessed there.

So, before writing a closing post about how my "treatment" was ended at this hospital, I want to write a post about the multiple odd equipment failures at this hospital, from the first ER visit, to this last one.

So once again, I evaded death, but not by much, and only at my own insistence. If I'd gone home, I would have died from hemmorhage and would have had no IVs and access to blood transfusion too late, if anyone had even been around when I passed out from blood loss.

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