Monday, December 1, 2008

music today & complaint progress

I started this morning with "Domino Dancing", an 80's song which cracked me up...especially at the part where the guy says: "Are you playing to win or are you just a bad loser?" Liked the video with the idea men are falling all over her, falling, and then falling trying to knock eachother's lights out.

Then I listened to "Solider" by Destiny's child and laughed at the part where the lyrics say, "carry big things if you know what I mean" and one of the women has a huge pregnant belly. Surprise.

Then I went to Crystal, who is hungarian, to a song called "hiv a vegtelen" and I wish I had the lyrics in English, but I liked it, and the dancing by the women (their handwork) and the cinematography was so beautiful it almost brought tears to my eyes.

I really like youtube's "recommended for you" because sometimes I don't know where to look for new stuff. Anyway, I'm trying to work up to writing more complaints.

I realized I could probably add a lot more, about wenatchee's treatment and discrimination so I'm going to add, and then I don't know, but I could probably also add how the discrimination affected my abiltity to go to law enforcement and be taken seriously, so I'm considering including a section for this.

Okay, I am not usually a Weird Al fan, but this one is really funny: "White and Nerdy". LOL. I like the part where he's in the shower with his computer.

I started on the complaints again. It took me a couple of hours to get going. This song, "I'm a Souljah" is motivating. It gets me writing.

I included the FBI in my complaint to the ADA.

Which reminded me, I need to make another post for ttsoml, about how before the problems with my son's and my health began sometime after I got ahold of a lawyer on the East Coast, who was formerly FBI. I believe, an attorney FOR the FBI. I corrresponded with him and after he didn't know why I wasn't getting a response to my request for FOIA information, he told me to obtain my criminal record from the FEDS database. He said to ask for that, and I did, repeatedly, to Oregon and WAshington offices, and they refused to respond for almost a year. It was only a few months before my son and I left for Canada that they stopped jerking me around and someone told me who to write to and how to put in the money order. But they stalled for almost a year on this.

The FBI did not want me to see their file on me, or their defense against me, or to know what was entered in their criminal database against me which could have affected how other state and local police treated me.

If the FBI had made some entry about mental illness, that could be where the problems originated, or compounded.

For some reason, everytime I think about how I'm getting this done, when I listen to this song, "I'm A Souljah" I can still hear Val, and how she would dance in the car while driving with the rap up really loud and say, "YYYYYyEEEEEEAAAAAYYYYHHHhhhhh!" It was her cheer.

"All day, all day, WATCH them ALL fall down, all day, all day, domino dancing..."

I like this song from another angle, as I'm writing these complaints:

"all day, all day, WATCH them ALL fall down, all day, all day, domino dancing!"

I did it. I'm done with my ADA complaint.

Listening to Tupac's "Hold On Be Strong".

Some people never get a chance. They are held down by others so that they're in survival mode and can never rise about the struggle. I was raised with great promise--I wasn't raised in the hood. But now I know, what all these other people go through, with the fuckers in the system, who try to hold others down, when they were always meant to shine.

Back to the cure: Just Like Heaven

My complaint to the Bar, WSA and ABA, needs work still. It's all over the place and has to be edited. I know how these Bar complaints work too, and they want to see how your allegations "fit" into their niches and, also, I have to have citations about what constitutes reasonable defense, because most of the time, the Bar is on the side of the lawyers unless you nail it and they have absolutely no way to escape.

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