Monday, December 8, 2008

My Decisions About Missed Miscarriage

I found this on a website for missed miscarriage.

I was told about risks of uterine damage and cervix weakening, and I had told the ER I wanted to be able to possibly have more children (at least one) in the future and didn't want to do anything to jeopardize that. But I told them I preferred to have the D&C to get it over with, and I was scared about seeing it and also about the pain. They said they'd give me pain meds if I was to take this chemical to prompt expulsion. I pretty much wanted to go under and not know what was happening and have it over with, but now I'm at home and I don't want anyone to touch me.

I would rather discharge on my own, but I started reading the process can be extremely painful, just like regular labor (which was horrid for me, first time pregnancy with my son). So I'm scared. I'm scared of the pain. If I was only a few weeks along, it would be no big deal, but this is a full 11 week 1 day old baby.

I saw it on ultrasound. It's head was perfectly formed, with every feature. Little nose, mouth, eyes, and beautiful head. Every part of this baby was beautiful and I asked if they saw any abnormalities and they said no, but it was a little early to tell too. But I saw for myself. It was a miniature doll, a very tiny baby.

So I'm scared because it's larger. I started reading about missed miscarriage and got a little lightheaded and short of breath. I may end up taking a Xanax during the day today, because I want to read more about missed miscarriage. I want to be informed. I cut and pasted this comment that I read, below. It talks about the weakening of the cervix after D&C and I don't want that so I'm going to try to suffer through it.

Please pray for me to be strong when it happens and that it happens quickly and I don't pass out or anything from the anxiety. I'm scared about the pain.

Posted by: anon14551
Hi, I had a missed m/c in sept.2007, I did a D&C in Oct. and I got pregnant right after, however after 19 wks. my cervix started to dilate as the D&C weakened my cervix....and I lost my healthy baby girl. Two months after i tried again and after 6 weeks I had another miscarriage. I hope this helps with your decisions.

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