Saturday, December 13, 2008

No One Will Help My Son (another plea for you to come forward)

I have nothing more to do than to upload audio and sent copies to the ADA and WSB/ABA.

I have no way to get the FBI to take responsibility for any of this. They will not admit or acknowledge anything and deliberately told me NOT to go to police and then convinced police not to press charges. And then that police Sgt. was promoted shortly after his cooperation with the FBI.

Or the Abbey, even though it is primarily through their defamation of me that all of this has occured.

Had I never been defamed by them, I would have been able to get normal medical care, without doctors reading the WW article about me. I would have maybe had a chance to stay in Canada with my son, without their belief that I was actually this woman who had been lied about by "Abbey officials", the WW, and Dick Whittemore. My son would have been able to get reasonable care.

The only people who may help me and my son, are those from another country. They are the only ones who may care. Everyone one else is just covering things up and thinks my son is fine, or even better off, raised by others. I know he is not. He has never been okay with this, but they took him before me when he couldn't speak, when he tried to tell everyone, through his temper tantrums and hysteria, and night terrors, that he needed and wanted his mama, and no one listened. They were just glad he was no longer able to articulate what his desires were. And then when he began, even just over the phone, saying "mama", over and over and over, and "mommy", over and over and over,

He was cut off from speaking to his mama any longer.

I am listening to "Anne's Theme", a piano piece using the theme from Anne of Green Gables.

I am leaving soon. But only when I know it will make it possible to come back stronger. There is nothing I want in this life, but my son, and he has been ripped from my arms.

My arms. "It's okay honey, I'll see you in FIFTEEN minutes, okay? Don't worry..." and he never saw me again, for almost a month, and then for only 4 hours a week and then not at all.

If I have any prayer, it is that God avenges me.

Please God, avenge me over what has happened to my son. Bring him back to me, and please have revenge on those who have contributed, in any way, to what has happened. Bless those who do not doubt me, and try to blame me as if I were Job, but who may earnestly try to hold someone accountable. Bless my son. Bless me. And bless the country, financially and morally, that helps me and my son. God bless those who will bless you and those you love, and who seek justice and truth, at all costs. Reward them who are brave, with security and protection for their families.

Please give me wisdom and strength, and avenge me of what has been done to me and my son. Help me to be rich, and inspire me to create, in order to use the money for purposes of justice, for my son and I first, and then for others. Strengthen my hand with your hand. Deal those who have oppressed me with a blow, and release to me my son.

In your name, I pray this is your will, and that it will be done. Show me which country to go to and show me what to do, to bring honor to that country, and to show the world, that you are with me. That you are with my son, and that you are on our side. Please bring people forward who have courage to speak up for us, who will even be willing to risk whatever punishment they are afraid will happen to them, out of a desire to do the right thing, where their conscience will not allow them to sit by and do nothing any longer. Thinking someone else is going to come forward, when they are the one. Please mark them until they come forward for me. And then, forgive those who are willing to come forward, and bless them with peace.


If anyone comes forward with information, find out who is Mormon and give the information to someone in the FBI or justice system, who is a known Mormon. I, myself, am NOT Mormon, but they can be trusted with this. If you are afraid and don't know who to tell, find out who is a church going Mormon, and just say it's for religious faith reasons, and you have information. You don't want the information to get lost or used by the wrong people. The only group those in the FBI who harmed me, were afraid of, were the Mormons. They told me so, so it may be that there are some who are worried they will take it seriously where others will not. If you need to confirm, ask what "ward" or church they go to, and then call up the deacon or pastor. I don't know what else to tell you. You could also go to someone in their church and just ask who is involved in law enforcement and then go from there. That way you know someone isn't lying over the phone to get you to talk.

You could try telling me, but if you are afraid to tell me, because of being known, or what my reaction might be, go to someone else. Also, I have asked for, and I believe you and your family will receive witness protection if you do the right thing.

Please take pity on me, and free my son and I to be believed and to be together. We need you and no one else will do this. You were meant to read this message for a reason. Please help us. I have prayed for you and God will help you.

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