Thursday, December 25, 2008

Notice to State of Worsening Disablities, 2 (April 17, 2008)

RE: Vouchers‏
From: cam huegenot (
Sent: Thu 4/17/08 9:52 AM
To: Erickson, Michelle K. (DSHS/CA) (; (
I can't have vouchers mailed to an old address and your office has shown they are capable of calling in bus and hotel vouchers. As you know, I'm not giving my new address and this is my right, now that I have a PD. Also, I CANNOT stay at the 'Holiday Lodge' any longer. I was promised, by Russ, 2 months ago, to be placed at either Holiday Inn or The Coast and I would like to know what the 'paperwork' status is now. These other hotels provide both internet that I'm able to access to get mail from work and other business, and they have direct shuttles as well.

IF I come into town again, which is not likely to be the case as my pelvic condition has worsened with this last trip, and now it is not just my tailbone, but higher up on my spine, in my lower back, where I have a fractured verterbrae from the 'natural' childbirth. This vertebrae, as of THIS trip and last day, has been painful and is visibly protruding out of my lower back. You can see a knot from the bone, out of alignment with my spine, and this wasn't even a problem LAST week.

So my dears, I think urination and bladder problems in addition to vertebral collapse of structure are more than enough grounds.

Start looking.

I may not be willing to have my son thrown into respite care for 4 days, but I am ready for a permanent transfer, and this was coming, and you had time to deal with it and work with it.

I would advise you, that if you are going to claim to care about my son's best interests, you immediately call Bellingham and arrange for other placement. I know the Judge will side with me on this one. I don't think she has her heart on hearing my entire case anyway, and if she would agree to put him in respite care, she will either agree your entire claim is bogus on it's face, and has no grounds, or she will agree to have my son transfered to be near me where I will be getting medical care for my disabilities. You cannot discriminate against my rights as a parent, or against the disabled, by refusing this accomodation.

You forced my son to bond to my aunt, and had a choice to place him with me and dismiss your case. If my son could bond to my aunt, who was a TOTAL stranger to him, he will bond just as well to someone else, and have HIS MOTHER in the area for more frequent and regular visitation.

Work it out people and don't wait for the court order to pull your shit together.

Subject: RE: Vouchers
Date: Thu, 17 Apr 2008 09:03:47 -0700

Ms. Garrett,

I have sent your vouchers. Please provide 24 hours notice if you are planning on not attending your visits next week so we can notify all parties involved. Any placement issues will have to be worked out in court.

Michelle Erickson, MSW

Social Worker III

Division of Children and Family Services


Phone: (509) 667-6118

Fax: (509) 664-6358

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