Sunday, December 7, 2008

Welfare For A Plutocracy

I finished transcribing the speech. I don't agree with the tithe part, as that should be voluntary, and I don't agree it's just the war that got us into this place--it was mainly the fraud of banks and greedy Wall Street gamblers. However,in principle, I agree.

He was only talking about giving Americans a cut of 85 billion too, not the whole 700 million. Imagine if every American, over the age of 18, were given a check for 700 billion divided by 200 million? With stipulations on how to use it and an individual "plan" to be submitted to their state?

This money should be going to Americans. Then they would spend, and the economy would be fine.

Instead, this is a massive hand out of welfare to corporations and insurance companies and the exact same people and their lawyers who push people down, and keep them down. Why the HELL are we rewarding them?

I think all Americans should get mad and start protesting and picketing. We're just sitting around, shaking our heads and wondering how everything will pan out, wringing our hands.

We ARE the government. The government does not own US, WE own the government, and WE have a say in the way our money is spent. But we sit like dumb sheep, and do nothing.

The people should not wait around for their money. They should speak up and speak out, and start asking where the money is.

SHOW ME THE MONEY. Mrs. Speaker, we'll show you OUR plan, if you will show us the money.

But guess who rules the country? It's not the people, it's the corporations and the elite. This social hand out is a privilege for a plutocracy. Welfare for the rich, and nothing for the poor. Privilege for the rich, and shame for the poor. Crimes and fraud are not investigated for the rich, but the poor are thrown in jail.

People need to get outside of their churches, where they stand and holler, and start standing outside of the gates of the White House.

Those automobile companies and their lawyers and the tons of auto insurance companies backing them, and all the banks and corporations, should be met by crowds of Americans who DEMAND the money be appropriated differently.

Not one citizen is going to get the economy going, by sitting around watching CNN and hoping the government will do them a favor. You have to stand up and fight for what you want.

Obama is in office, but he's going along with Republican and even Democratic policies that will benefit the rich, even if he doesn't realize it. He's playing THEIR game and not speaking for us.

My friend said today, "I don't understand how construction jobs are going to benefit anyone except those who are in construction...So, people are expected to go into construction just to have a job? and that's going to save my house right now?"

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