Sunday, December 7, 2008

Lawsuit & Political Asylum & Fulfillment Of Prayer

I have decided, that with all the bullshit I've had to put up with, with my own family, I am adding them to the list of people to sue for damages in the removal of my son.

They contributed to the comments made to CPS, which were without foundation, and my own mother assisted in having me and my son tracked down and brought back from Canada.

Given all the problems I've had with them, and their attempts to keep my son from me, including the participation of the Avila's in refusing me telephone time with my son, and lying to me about keeping me informed about my son, they are going to be on the list of people to sue.

I am going to make enough money, whether it is done here, or I go to another country which WILL give me political asylum, and I'm coming back with a shitload of money for suing people with.

If one statute has expired, I'll find some other statute to use, and will sue for continued emotional distress from the deprivation of contact with my son, on illegal grounds.

I believe there may be people, in another country, who may be happy to help me, who would cheer and root for me to come back and fight this system with money, and prove people wrong.

I have done everything in my power, and exhausted all available remedies, and if I have no other option, and no one helps me, I am going to a place where I can get assistance, and when I come back, these people will be very sorry they ever messed around with me in the first place.

I swear to God I am doing this. I am making a promise right now, that I am going to come into money.

I am going to be rich, financially.

I am going to publish books.

I am going to make international friends.

I am going to sue some people in the United States until they pay for what they've done.

I swear to God, with God as my witness and help, I am keeping all these promises.

Which is a little harder to do than when I told my parents, before I went to high school, "I'm going to be popular" (and was).

I am putting my mind to getting money, which is exactly why people in the U.S. hold me down, because they know I won't be satisfied using my money for material things, because they know all I care about is justice, and that I am willing to pay with everything I have, to obtain it.

The U.S. has told me, and everyone else, who knows anything about my case: "You will not win. We are not even going to help you, because you have no money. You and your son are not important to us. We care about our own special interests, not justice. We are afraid of what your enemies may do to US--we are not brave like you. You are proof to the rest of the world, that capitalism "works" and that this country is a safe one built on democracy and a perfect human rights record, and justice for all."

And if I do go to another country, and am assasinated, it will not be by anyone from this other country. It will be by someone from the U.S. People in the U.S. would try to make it look like it's someone else.

I had someone say to me, about the idea of relocating to the Middle East (one area I'm considering), "Aren't you afraid of the Taliban?" I said, "What does the Taliban have against ME, personally? Even if I'm an American, they would already know how my own country has treated me. What would it profit them to hold ME hostage? They already know they couldn't get money from a kidnapping bribe, because they know no one in the U.S. cares about what happens to me or my son." He said they go after Americans and I said to him, "They may think of me as a target, symbolically, at first, but my enemies have not been, personally, with people in the Middle East. Those who have proven themselves to be my enemies have been predominantly Catholic. And there are a lot of Catholics in the medical, and intelligence fields, and justice system, and social services, in the U.S. I cannot control who hates me and who my enemies are, but I know who has lied about me through newspapers, and medical professionals, and the justice system."

I am not saying I would be aiding and abetting any radical group. I'm just saying, there are people in other countries who have been bullied, and who understand propaganda, and who would believe I've been bullied as well, and I believe these people will help me and will be glad to do so, where NOT ONE person with any kind of authority has stepped up to do so in my own country.

All that I continue to gain, is further proof of injustice and grounds for political asylum. The further I exhaust all remedies, the more documentation I have to prove I'm a political or religious target and that my country and the governnment, not only refuses to help, but oppresses me and violates my civil rights.

I have been falsely jailed, falsely arrested, slandered in medical charts, slandered in a newspaper article, slandered to another country, and had MY SON taken from me.

I have everything I need, including motive and the fact the FBI has obstructed justice, to prove my claims.

Other countries will also do thorough medical exams, to find evidence of damages, and it will be interesting when what another country says, directly disputes what people in the U.S. have said.

When I become rich, I am using my money to fight for justice in the U.S. and to hold certain groups accountable. I am using my money to fight for myself and my son, and to be a symbol for others as well, who have been pushed down because of poverty and the cowardice of others to do anything about injustice. I am not going to become rich to "join 'em" but for purposes of beating them. I am not going to become rich in order to fit into the approval ratings of a group, or society, or to cause others to fear me, or to gain power. I am going to become rich, and I am going to spend as much as I receive, to turn things around, and for no other reason.

I once prayed to God, in my early 20's, "God, if I ever become famous or rich, or anything, please humble me first so I will know how it feels to be low first, before I am exalted. Please humble me and bring me down before you raise me up, so I have wisdom and so I am not conceited and proud when I am at the top, if I am ever to have a significant place or at the top."

I prayed to God that he would "break me" first, and then build me up. I wrote a song about it even, which I still have the lyrics to.

And I pray to God, now, that the impossible will happen, and that I will be able to raise or make money, and use it for good. I have not been bold enough to pray for this before, because I never wanted money anyway. But now, I pray to God that my time has come, and that he will help me to rise to the top. Not just for myself, but to take a stand for others. And that after I am able to help myself and my son, I continue to find money coming in, proving what I will be using it for, and establishing faith in others that I will use it for good, and to help the oppressed, whoever they are, with my resources.

I have asked God for help before, but not that my acceptance in taking suffering would end. I have to believe that I have been allowed to suffer so much, for a greater purpose, and I don't believe it's for the next life either, but for this one.

I would help a normal Catholic person who is being oppressed, as readily as anyone else of any race or religion. But I know there are people in the system who act like the mafia, and others who are only sheep and greedy, and operate only in dollars, and by helping myself, I will be helping others, giving them courage to see it is possible to overturn great odds. Showing others you can make friends and build alliances with most unlikely sources, and that peace can also be acheived by fighting a war with the same resources used to keep me and others down.

Everyone is free to call this a "manic" idea, but I know, and God knows, what my prayer was over a decade ago, and I believe God has honored my prayer in the strangest of ways, and that what I've prayed for, the end result, will be accomplished.

If God is for me, who can be against me? Nothing, no one, can have power over me or over the angels and destiny. I believe in myself, and I believe my heart is pure. My actions have not always been pure or right, and I've done wrong things and will still do things wrongly, but God knows my heart is pure and that my motives are sound. God knows he can trust me and rely on me to work for others and not just myself, as he knows I have related with the troubles of those most oppressed.

I just know, it is going to happen. I haven't told anyone about this prayer I had, until now. I've told people about my other prayer, where I told God, "If you want me to be a writer, give me something to write about." Well, that was one significant prayer I felt God heard. The other one, was the one I wrote about just today.

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