Monday, December 8, 2008

Planning The Accident In Princess Diana's Car

I have no idea why I'm writing this now, and I think I've said it before, but then I've wondered. I just don't have enough information.

But, yes, regarding Diana, Princess Diana again, I was reading over clips and comments about the note she wrote where she warned of impending car failure. Only guesses have been made as to the name redacted for legal reasons.

I don't think it's Diana's family. I think the problems between Diana and her family were used as a cover for the work of someone else.

Also, in that note she wrote, I don't think she named "Charles" because she named him again, later in her note..."so that Charles can marry". I don't think she'd name him twice. I think it's more likely MI5 or MI6 was named, which would be a very good reason to keep the name redacted, because..imagine if one of THEIR legal teams got on a publisher's case.

I think Diana was viewed as a loose cannon and some people feared about the information she held against them. She got involved in politics, and not just any politics--arms, weapons and military matters.

No one ever found her dossier she had compiled. And too many people are suspiciously eager to proclaim her "paranoid" when she wasn't clinically paranoid. Those close to her, knew she was not paranoid. Dodi's family knew it, Hasnat Khan has repeated this several times, and he is a doctor and a sensible and level-headed type. Her sons haven't said she was either. She probably had mood swings from being harassed and that was it.

It was not an accident. I know it wasn't. I don't even know if that death threat I got was for me exactly, or for speaking up about Diana because I was writing things about her. He had a british, irish, or some kind of European accent.

If it wasn't her own government, it was possibly a religious group. But it wasn't her family. Her own family may have been embarrassed by the possibility of her marrying Dodi, but they wouldn't kill her off for it, to protect the royalty from "the muslims". Prince Charles even has an artist foundation set up to preserve Islamic Art and he's never taken religious sides, at all. He's wanted to be "The Defender of FaithS" not "The Defender of the Faith".

I do think someone may not have been excited about it, and I do believe, despite the so-called "evidence", Diana may have been pregnant. Why was she embalmed so hastily, only up to the waist? that destroys forensic evidence, and it's also true that if someone removed the fetus, her blood levels could have changed. Anything could have been done. Why would Dodi and his family, Dodi's father, lie about her being pregnant? People don't lie about those kinds of things. If someone was trying to preserve her "appearance", wouldn't they embalm her from the face down? the part that people would see if there was an open casket?

And has anyone seen the expression on Diana's face in her last evening, where she's standing in the corner of the elevator? I have very rarely seen such relaxed and natural photographs of her...she is completely at ease and seems to be glowing. She looks very happy, all the way through. She very well could have been pregnant and wanting to announce an engagement before the pregnancy could be dated.

And the lights and cameras all being out and turned inwards in the tunnel? that's professional work. The electricity just-so-happened to be "out" at this time?

I trust Diana's instincts, and all this talk of her paranoia is and has been to minimize her credibility.

She was no dim-wit either. She wasn't an airhead. Anyone looking at her writing could see this. She wasn't the most educated by books, but she was smart. Look at me, or any other uneducated person who may have talents...A piece of paper doesn't tell the whole story about intellect. Also, her sister Sarah and other siblings excelled in school and college, with very high marks. According to genetic research and giftedness, siblings are almost always only a few points within same range, despite the idea that the firstborn is "smartest" or that one child seems to stand our more than the others. An exception is to be made for the random total genuis, but in general, intelligence is a genetic inheritance. You read how she would get very interested in subjects that interested her, and she was probably an expert on those things. If arms or government matters became interesting, I believe she would dig deeper than most, and she probably had access to better info than most.

The only thing that really throws me off is whenever I hear New Order's "Bizarre Love Triangle", I think about Diana and feel a great sadness and this very strange feeling that her ghost or something, her spirit, is not settled. Someone or some group MAY have been plotting to free Charles to marry another, but I don't think it was him or anyone really close to him.

I just don't think.

But what is significant too, is how the government WITHHELD evidence, at the start, from the beginning of the inquiries. You know what they withheld? that note Diana wrote, predicting her death. If it was just "crazy talk", why did they try to keep it out of the record?

I think there is a chance that Diana's death and cause, may be revealed in time. I believe there may be someone still, who has information that they are positive they will be killed over, but that they will sometime come forward.

It was not just an accident. I'd like to know too, why the U.S. Department of Defense has files on Diana. Why were THEY monitoring her calls and collecting information about her?

Someone is going to speak up. I know it. I am praying for her, and for that person, to speak up. It is the right thing to do and I believe someone may have a change of heart, but is very afraid of having his or her entire family killed over the information they have.

I took the following from a guy named Adam Wilkinson, who wrote:

There are two main theories
a) One or more rogue "cells" in the British secret service construct and carry out a plot to kill Diana.
B ) An official campaign by MI6 to assasinate Diana, sanctioned by elements of the establishment.

I tend to believe the first. I think it may have been one or more rogue "cells" who were motivated not just by politics, but possibly religion.

The following is also from Wilkinson:
5. There was a flash photo showing all occupants in the car just before the crash. Who took this photo, and was the bright flash part of the plot to assassinate the Princess as detailed by former MI6 employee Richard Tomlinson, author of The Big Breach" 2000, published by Narodny Variant Publishers, Moscow, Russia who said that the plot was identical with a plot that he remembered seeing while working at MI6, during a vist to Geneva, to assassinate Slobodan Milosevic in a tunnel, replete with a bright flash to disorient and blind the driver.
Ironically, Tomlinson had booked a series of flights from New Zealand, where his hotel room was raided, and at New York's JFK airport, he was refused entry to the United States and deported...rather fortuitously, as Tomlinson's original itinerary had seen him due to leave the U.S. on Swissair Flight #SR111 on 2 September 1998, which plunged into the Atlantic shortly after takeoff.

Hmmm. I guess not only the dossier, but letters Diana kept in a wooden box, allegedly from Prince Phillip, were missing.

At some point, I want to go through all of the documents, and all of the evidence and statements from the inquiry, line by line. I can't do anything or assume anything without seeing everything. All I know, is that the inquiry did not answer several questions, and I would like to find out what certain people had in common with one another.

I believe Fayed in that I believe he told the truth about Diana being pregnant. He would have no reason to lie. Finding his driver "guilty" does not make Dodi or his father liable. They cared about Diana because the Fayed family was close to Diana's father, one person in her family that she trusted, which is why perhaps she called this family up later, after Khan. If she was only a month along, she wouldn't tell a bunch of people. I don't know that Fayed is right about who he accuses over her death. It could have been another motive. However, I do believe some did not want it to happen, and that the embalming was to cover this up. As for Monkton's claim Diana was having her period, did she actually see blood? or did Diana just tell her she was on her period? She could have been keeping it quiet. Also, it is possible to be pregnant and still have periods. Many women have this happen, and from what I've read, Diana had overly frequent periods. Like twice a month or something, though I don't know if this is true. Also, we don't know that Monkton was a true friend. Afterall, I discovered very late that a woman I had thought was my best friend was only an informant for others, but I couldn't believe it for several years, until the evidence was overwhelming, and by that time, she didn't mind my knowing, because her team had already painted me sufficiently as mentally ill so no one would believe me. But they all knew I knew.

I know what the possibilities are. Someday I want to speak with Fayed. I want to see all the records and go over every book and document. I am very good at sorting out facts from opinions and finding strange connections.

(listening to Aha's "Take On Me")

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