Thursday, December 25, 2008

Request for Accomodation for Disability, 2 (April 16, 2008)

CPS IS responsible for transportation. I requested accomodations and they refused:

RE: Visitation with Oliver Garrett‏
From: cam huegenot (
Sent: Wed 4/16/08 9:10 AM
To: Scanlon, Marie (DSHS/CA) (; (

My disabilities and physical limitations are grounds for change of venue, in addition to the fact that I work there and my son should be placed close to ME.

I will be petitioning the court for removal of my son from my aunt's care. It is not working out and I've always had problems with my mother's side of the family, and you did not take my concerns about corporal punishment seriously.

I know how my mother's side disciplines, and simply because they say they're not spanking doesn't mean they're not. I cannot move to a town, WENATCHEE, where I cannot even get medical care and have been ostracized, and where they still put up barriers to proper diagnostics for my son. I couldn't even get care for my son in Wenatchee.

I'm glad I will not have to put up with you or this office much longer.

I haven't called ADA yet, but after this trip, it will be the first thing I do.


Subject: RE: Visitation with Oliver Garrett
Date: Tue, 15 Apr 2008 10:22:20 -0700


I’ve addressed both of these issues with you previously.

We don’t provide transportation to court; it is not our responsibility to get you there. You need to plan in advance for these things. If you do not have transportation, you may need to plan to appear by phone.

Given the distance of your home from our office, and the fact that we can only provide a bus ticket at this time, I am not sure how we can help alleviate your concern about the stress on your body. It sounds like you need to work with a doctor to address your medical issues, move closer or arrange for alternate transportation for yourself.

Have a great day!

Marie Scanlon

Social Worker III

Wenatchee DCFS

(509) 667-6142

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