Thursday, December 25, 2008

Request to Speech Therapists for Discovery (April 11, 2008)

I tried my best to be persuasive, but got nowhere. They never gave me any records except for a couple of chart notes. I never got full discovery from these speech therapists and no one bothered to keep me updated. I am posting all of this, to show how hard I worked, and tried to "cooperate" with people who were bent on refusing me the most basic courtesies. No one asked for information about Oliver from me. No one asked to see his artwork which I'd saved. No one tried to persuade my mother to send the letters I wrote regarding my son's development. They did their own thing, which was not in my son's best interests:

From Oliver Garrett's Mother‏
From: cam huegenot (
Sent: Fri 4/11/08 8:15 AM

Hello Leah,

I wanted to get back to you. I believe you needed my mailing address? I don't know if you need anything else, or have any questions for me?

I am wondering too, who will be in charge of writing up recommendations and working with my son.

Finally, I have tried to contact my mother about the emails I sent her regarding my son's development and speech, but we are not on speaking terms and she refuses to respond. I believe she would give the records to YOU if you asked. Just please specify you don't need all my personal email, but just the ones from his birth to about 1 1/2 years, regarding his development and speech, specifically. My mother's email address is "".

I will also get ahold of my son's artwork which I mentioned I have saved. It is an objective form, from his own hands, of his abilities, or what they were.

My aunt says my son doesn't sit through books or draw, but up until he was separated from me, he DID these things everyday. He was a little more interested in books and stories than doing art, but still liked to fingerpaint and draw with crayons. He was into more active play though.

I am concerned that my aunt doesn't have time to really sit down and read to him or know what kinds of books he likes. I read to him everyday, and my aunt is much more concerned about the rest of her family, her house, and her garden, in general, than playing one-on-one (not that she doesn't do this as well sometimes). As a former nanny, I spent ALL my time focused not on housework, but stimulating the interests of my son and playing with him and taking him out.

I think it's clear my son is not the product of neglect. He is social and trusts others because I showed him what adults are like, and he expects everyone to love him as I do.

CPS took him from me based on political reasons, not because of evidence of "abuse or neglect". I am going to send you a copy of my response to their allegations in my next email, because it explains some of the medical problems both I and my son have had in Wenatchee.

I am very concerned, as you know, that he needs an MRI and independent medical care outside of Wenatchee.

Thank you and it was a pleasure meeting you and the rest of the group. I feel Ruth was quite suspicious of me, and asked my aunt questions about my son which I feel she should have been asking me as I'm the one who has had 2 years with him and my aunt has had him only 2 months and wasn't around him even, BEFORE. I am also a little concerned about the woman doing the evaluation of Oliver.

I felt good about you, and the other quieter women in the room who were observing. It seemed you were listening and taking me seriously, and not doubting me and this is important. Because the doctors in Wenatchee didn't listen to me, my son and I have suffered a lot.

Thanks again,


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