Thursday, December 25, 2008

Response With Cassel (May 12, 2008)

RE: Response‏
From: cam huegenot (
Sent: Mon 5/12/08 4:27 PM
To: Paul Cassel (

Okay. If you think the judge is somewhat more likely to agree, with the extra med report, that would be good.

I figured out how to get to a fax machine but I have to wait until this dad I work for/live with gets back from work to take me to a bank (which is probably closed) to get my check cashed. It's in bellingham or ferndale, my bank, and at least 20 minutes away. but I'm doing my best, in my own way. I'm not even having my period I'm so stressed out, and yesterday was NOT a good day.

But I'm doing my best, and I know I need to give you more documents, one way or the other because it's just a good idea regardless, no matter how things are getting done, papers are good. I'm trying to get more stuff out to you and will do it tomorrow. I promise. I don't back out on my promises, unless there's a major unforeseen catastrophe from God.

Date: Mon, 12 May 2008 13:01:04 -0700
Subject: RE: Response

I do not believe the dependency should continue given our facts and the law. However, I make no predictions. Paul Cassel

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